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A micro-controller audio player written in ARM assembly.

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The University of Manchester
COMP22712 Microcontrollers Project
Ted John, May 2013


An audio player which uses the piezo-electric buzzer (usually on a keypad) to play music. The music is played by controlling the time period that the buzzer will play a tone at. The music is represented by tracks, channels and sequences.

The code was written to deal with multiple channels but was not tested due to time constraints. Tracks contain channels which are a playlist of sequences. Sequences are a playlist of notes stored as words.

The FPGA was adapter to allow hardware timing for the buzzer output. The PIO_8 schematic was edited to use my own PIO schematic. This PIO schematic implemented a hardware timer to pulse the buzzer output automatically using a time period represented by a 16 bit integer in microseconds.

The keypad is used to control the player. The digit buttons, 1 to 9 select which track to play. Asterisk pauses the current track. Hash resumes the track. 0 stops the track and shows the about screen.


Examples of the music formatting can be seen at the bottom of this file. A compiler was written in C# to parse the sequence files and generate an assembly file defining the binary data representing the music. The notes are formatted as follows:


Key must always be specified... C, D, E, F, G, A, B or ~ for a rest. Accidentals can be placed after # for sharp, flat was not implemented. The octave and timing are optional parameters. If either is omitted then the previous octave or timing state is maintained. Timing is measured in bars of which there are always four beats in. It must be formatted as a fraction in square brackets. For example: [1/2] for a minim, [1/4] for a crotchet, [1/32] for a hemidemisemiquaver. [4/1] for a longa etc.

Each note is stored as a word.

  |-------------- bar fraction (value of 128 0x80 represents 1/2 bar)
  |  |----------- bars
  |  |  |-------- octave
  |  |  |  |----- key (0 for rest, 1 for C, 2 for D etc.)
  |  |  |  |
 80 01 05 01

The above is C5[3/2].

The assembly code itself implements a small operating system on the board. There are various unused functions which are not used and left there from previous exercises. Most of the code sticks to a code convention.

Registers are used to pass arguments to a subroutine. A subroutine will always preserve the contents of registers unless the registers are used as output arguments. Typically registers are always used in order from R0. Subroutines will usually push registers it uses for local variables at the start, onto the stack and pop them before returning back to the caller address. If registers need to be pushed or another subroutine is called within the subroutine, then the link register will be pushed too and popped into the program counter register as a return mechanism.

To help organise code, variables and reduce address constants, structures are used. The project, player and user interface are separated into modules which use structures to contain their relevant variables. Subroutines are then called with the address of their module structure as the first argument. This is then use as a base pointer to reference structure members.

The buzzer time period data bus is hard-wired to 0x20000000. Storing a byte at 0x20000000 and 0x20000001 will control the buzzer. The bytes are little endian. The most significant bit in 0x20000001 is the enable pin for the buzzer.

The LCD functions allow double buffered writing to the screen as well as scrolling. The LCD is only called to write over characters that have changed.

As programming in assembly can be quite tedious, breaking the program down into many small subroutines helps reduce errors and debugging time in expense for call and register preservation overhead.


To run the project, simply use komodo to load fpga.bit into the fpga using the features dialog. Then load project.kmd into the board memory and run.

File list

noteseq/*                      - noteseq, the C# application for compiling
                                 sequence files into ARM assembly. Also a

pio.eps                        - postscript of the altered PIO
fpga.bit                       - fpga netlist for changing buzzer on PIOA

keypad.s                       - functions for reading the keypad
lcd.s                          - functions for controlling the LCD
math.s                         - mathematical functions (just udivision really)
os.s                           - operating system and os functions
player.s                       - player module, functions for reading and
                                 playing the music tracks
project.s                      - main program loop
string.s                       - functions for manipulating strings
ui.s                           - user interface module, functions for displaying
                                 things on the LCD and reading user input

music_data.s                   - the data "file" containing the music tracks

project.kmd                    - pre-compiled copy of the program


A micro-controller audio player written in ARM assembly.






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