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INV: Understanding Functionalities Of MLPs Layers To Design Efficient Representations For Incremental Neural Videos

Shengze Wang, Alexey Supikov, Joshua Ratcliff, Ronald Azuma

TL;DR INVs is a fast incremental representation for neural videos. Each frame can be trained in under 10 minutes using vanilla NeRF and still achieve good quality (>28db). It only takes around 300kb to store each frame/NeRF, making this representation streamable. Moreover, INV can achieve state-of-the-art per-frame image quality and competitive stability with less training budgets than prior SOTAs.

INV is designed to incrementally generate neural 3D videos frame by frame, and it utilizes knowledge of prior frames to drastically reduce both training time and storage. Our design is based on two insights:
  (1) We discovered that MLPs automatically partition themselves into Structure and Color Layers, which store structural and color/style information respectively.
  (2) We leverage this property to retain and improve upon previously learned information. This allows us to reduce redundancies in training and storage. We could thus amortize training across frames.

Setup INV
cd INV
git checkout INV_finalized

FF+Siren (./2D_experiments/)


NeRF (./3D_experiments/)

NeRF dependencies setup


To conduct further experiments in 2D, follow (1) to get the required data first.

1. 2D Incremental Transfer: Generating frame-by-frame models for 2D videos

More Info (click to expand) Incremental Transfer encodes a video by training one MLP per frame. It uses the MLP from a previous frame as the initialization for the later frame. By analyzing the changes in each layer, we found that changes in earlier layers induce structural changes, and changes in later layers induce color/style changes.

First, run Incremental Transfer training by calling:

python 2D_experiments\

runs according to settings in 2D_experiments\ Most important args are:
is_vid:  indicates whether this is a video file or a sequence of images.
vid_path:  either a folder that contains frames/ folder or a video file. Result stored in the parent folder of the video for frames/ folder
per_frame_train_iters:  number of itertions for each frame
start_frame:  the starting frame
img_downsample:  the downsampling factor. To accelerate training, use a larger (e.g. 4 or 8) factor, but make sure frame size is divisible by this numer.
no_siren_only_mlp:  To use basic MLP instead of MLP. Default True.
use_nerf_pe:  use NeRF positional encoding (i.e. sin & cos for xyz separately). Default True. If False, will use Fourier Features where xyz encoded together via sin & cos and random frequencies. Similarly, haven't tested for a while.


vid_path/imgs_incremental:  renderings from INV
vid_path/models_incremental:  models for each frame. Note that the entire models are stored, although only the structure layers (1st layer by default) are different.

2. 2D Structure Swap visualizes structural knowledge in Structure Layers

More Info (click to expand)

Structure Swap: structure layers could be directly plugged into a pretrained color layer from a different frame without any training.

Current Observations:

  1. Positional Encodings are needed to activate structure and color layers.
    1. SIREN layers are not required, but accelerates training.
    2. NeRF P.E. and Fourier Features activate Structure Layers.
      Note: They have different artifacts (e.g. NeRF P.E. is horizontal/vertical stripes, but FF show blobs). This is likely because FFs encode xyz's together

To run Structure Swap experiments:

python 2D_experiments\

Uses the per-frame models stored in vid_path/models_incremental to swap.
Also uses the same configs (i.e. 2D_experiments\ as before, except that it uses:
do_color_scheme_transfer:  Variable in the script. Should be False. Used later in 2D Color Transfer Section.
base_frame:  Variable in the script. The base model/frame.
The script keeps later layers of the base_frame fixed, and swaps the Structure Layer (1st layer) from later frames into this base frame.
vid_path/imgs_swap_1st_raw:  Resulting rendering of these swaps. Notice that the further in time from the base frame, the worse the result would be. Such degradation is more prominent in 2D than in 3D.
vid_path/imgs_swap_1st_refined:  After swapping, the new structure layer are also optimized and stored in this folder. The resulting renderings after optimization usually have high quality.

3. 2D Color Transfer visualizes Color Knowledge in Color Layers

More Info (click to expand)

Color Transfer: Mixing color and structure knowledge from different images

python 2D_experiments\

base_folder:  folder containing the two images.
structure_fn:  which image to use as structure information.
color_fn:  which image to use as color information.


{base_folder}/imgs_color_transfer_{iter}.png: results after finetuning Structure Layers for iter iterations on the image structure_fn.

4. 3D Incremental Neural Videos (INV)

INV can achieve SOTA per-frame quality in shorter time than SOTA with vanilla NeRF and no complex engineering. INV achieves this by retaining prior knowledge and effectively amortizing training across frames.

During Warm-Up stage:
INV incrementally trains and stores 1 NeRF per-frame for N frames. After Warm-Up, INV freezes the later layers in the NeRF model, and these layers are used as the Shared Color Layers.

During the Structure Transfer stage:
The NeRF model in INV has: (1) trainable Per-Frame Structure Layers (PFSL) at the front, and (2) frozen Shared Color Layers (SCL) at the back. Notices that PFSLs are trained and stored frame-by-frame. However, SCL is frozen and shared by all frames.

(Optional) Temporal Weight Compression (TWC)
Batches of 300~600 frames of PFSLs weight matrices are compressed together using fpzip. This reduces weight size from ~700KB/frame to ~300KB/frame.

During Streaming, one recovers the whole NeRF for a frame by concatenating the PSFL for that frame with the SCL. Decompresses if weights were compressed with TWC.

Data Preparation

Data folder structure:

basedir/ <br />
-- frames_{factor}/ # all the frames (e.g. frame0001cam19.png) downsampled by {factor}
if using full-res images, use frames/
-- (if META) poses_bounds.npy # generated from LLFF colmap wrapper
-- (if Little Falls) calibration/ # little falls yaml files

-- (results) META_flame_salmon_1_warmup10k_iter10k_s3/
---- nerf_esti/ # output NeRF rendering and visualizations
---- output models, config used, rendered videos, etc.

to extract frames with size:

ffmpeg -i camxx.mp4 -vf scale=1352:1014 frames_2/frame%04dcamxx.png

Running 3D INV

cd 3D_experiments
python --config configs/META_flame_salmon_1_10k.txt

META: sample config in configs/META_flame_salmon_1_10k.txt.
LF: sample config in configs/LF_crystalball.txt.

dataset_type:  type of data. META is META, Little Falls is little falls.
basedir & datadir:  make them the same, root dir containing the image folder.
is_nerf_baseline  Set to True if running NeRF baseline. Set to False for INV.
i_weights_warmup  iters/frame during warmup (before freezing/sharing later layers). Longer warmup, better color layers, better performance
i_weights  iters/frame after warmup, during Structure Transfer (with frozen/shared later layers). 10k is 7.5~8min
mid_freeze_start  on and after this layer, layers are frozen/shared. (3 means 0,1,2 are not frozen)
freeze_start_frame  on and after this frame, later layers will be frozen/shared.
More difficult scenes (e.g. META day scenes) need more overall training, so if 10k/frame, then try freeze after 120th frame. But if 280k/frame, you could freeze early at 30th frame. Easier scenes (e.g. META night scenes) need less training, 30 warmup frames are usually enough.
factor  downsampling factor. Affects the folder of images used. If 1, assumes frames/, otherwise assumesframes_{factor}
near  nearest depth (inverted depth if NDC) to start sampling along a ray. META day scenes are ~0.5, night scenes ~0.35
no_skip_connect  set to True for INV, False for NeRF. Skip connection improves performance at the cost of increased number of Structure Layers, leading to more layers needed to be stored.


The complete models (including frozen color layers, and not compressed) are saved in {basedir}/{expname}/
renderings saved in {basedir}/{expname}/nerf_esti/
e.g. D:\data\cut_roasted_beef\META_flame_salmon_1_warmup10k_iter10k_s3_freeze120_test\nerf_esti

5. 3D Split INV

Split INV uses a separate NeRF to encode static background and thus allow most of the computation to be focused on dynamic foreground content. As a result, flickering is reduced, and the foreground is of much higher quality.
First, generate dynamic masks by thresholding optical flow maps from methods like SeparableFlow. True pixels indicate dynamic foreground pixels. Store the masks under {basedir}/mask/.

To run on a sequence, e.g. flame_salmon_1, first extract static background. Set pretraining_static=True in META_flame_salmon_split_mlp_10k_linux.txt, and run:

cd 3D_experiments
python --config ./configs/META_flame_salmon_split_mlp_10k_linux.txt

The script would iterate through all frames and store the extracted static model in {basedir}/{expname}_static/
Then, encode dynamic foreground by setting pretraining_static=False and running:

cd 3D_experiments
python --config ./configs/META_flame_salmon_split_mlp_10k_linux.txt

During the first several frames (default 9), background is also optimized, so it takes slightly longer. Afterwards, it's around 10min/frame.
The complete models (including frozen color layers, and not compressed) are saved in {basedir}/{expname}_dynamic/
Renderings for the test view are saved in {basedir}/{expname}_dynamic/nerf_esti

6. Temporal Weight Compression (TWC)

TWC utilizes floating point compression algorithm fpzip to compress a temporal weight matrix from 1.12MB down to 300kb per frame. TWC first reshapes the weights of the structure layers into a 2D matrix for each frame. Then, TWC concatenates the weight matrices of all frames into a 3D matrix. Then fpzip compresses this matrix at 16-bit resolution. To run TWC on the set of saved models, run:

cd 3D_experiments

7. 3D Structure Swap visualizes Sturctral & Color Knowledge in different layers

More Info (click to expand) Similar to 2D Structure Swap, the script shows results of replacing `base_frame`'s Structure Layers with those of other frames. This "swap" causes structural/content changes in the resulting renderings. This process assumes pretrained models for both the `base_frame` and the later frames.

NOTE: Best when the model has converged to a good performance. Otherwise, there could be too many artifacts to see meaningful visualization. E.g. frame 30.

cd 3D_experiments
python --config configs/LF_crystalball.txt

base_frame:  The frame whose Structure Layers will be swapped out for Structure Layers from later frames.
first_frame_to_process:  First frame whose Structure Layers will be swapped into base_frame.
DO_SWAP_LAYERS:  Leave True for the experiment to perform the swap.
swap_n_layer first n layers to swap. Notice that NeRF has two heads. Color head is indexed 8-10 here. Density head is 11 and handled by DO_SWAP_ALPHA.
DO_SWAP_ALPHA if True, swaps the alpha/sigma/density head.


renderings saved in {basedir}/{expname}/swap

E.g.: cam00_frame0004_e0005_raw_swap_0-0_26.269928.png means camera 00, swapping 0th to 0th layers of frame 5 (i.e. 1st layer only) into frame 4, resulting rendering gets 26.269928 dB PSNR on frame 5.raw_swap means no refinement after swap.





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