TypeOS is a design showcase for a minimalist desktop UI without many icons, just text.
- NodeJS | curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_11.x | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
Everything else gets automatically installed by npm
# Only do this under Windows, because some modules requires a fresh build on your computer.
# This will install the Windows build tools. This can take a very long time and needs alot of disk space...
npm install --global --production --vs2015 --add-python-to-path windows-build-tools
npm install --global --production --add-python-to-path windows-build-tools node-gyp
Solution from StackOverflow by Kevin Hernandez.
Copy this entire thing into your console:
git clone https://github.com/InstantCodee/TypeOS.git
cd TypeOS/
npm install
npm run build-css
npm start
And here is the explanation of each command:
- Clone this repository and go into the directory:
git clone https://github.com/InstantCodee/TypeOS.git && cd TypeOS/
- Change into
and install all dependencies first:
npm install
- Next, you need to build SASS to CSS:
npm run build-css
- Recompile modules to make them run with Electron:
$(npm bin)/electron-rebuild
- And then start the application:
npm start
Now TypeOS should start on your main monitor in fullscreen mode, If not tell us.
Fell free to put your mind into this project:
- Fork this project (button under header of GitHub).
- Now you can make changes in the source code, because you have a copy.
- After you're done with your changes, lets say with a bug fix, you can make a PR (= Pull Request).
- Your PR will trigger a build test and we review your code and If all this is done we will merge your code into the offical branch and you contributed to our code. Thanks for your help.
Note: Keep your code clean and comment stuff so that other people can easily understand your code and keep your langauge in English. As example look in this file.
If you have trouble with GitHub or Git, we recommand you to read this guide to get in.
There is no language system currently, keep that in mind.
You can help translate stuff, as example from English to French or Danish. Or you can create issues here If you find a bug or you have a feature request, but do not use it as a review system. For review, we setup a system later, maybe.
We want to create a showcase on how a minimalistic desktop can be when there are not many icons but mostly text. You can be inspired by this and develop your own desktop environment based on our design.