Area: Different defined actions and interactions
Area: Dealing with CLI and related functionality
Area: Collasible sections / hidable sections / detailed sections
Area: Config related issues/PRs
Area: anything and everything to do with dependencies
Area: Dealing with font loading/rendering
Area: Image decoding/rendering/etc.
Area: Changes impacting the HTML interpreter
Area: Related to keycombos/keybindings
Area: task lists and numbered lists and bulleted lists, oh my
Area: Dealing with releases
Area: Dealing with markdown tables
Area: Themes, system theme detection, and syntax highlighting
Requires a semver breaking release
Category: Something isn't working
Category: bugs submitted from inlyne's crash reporting
Category: Improvements or additions to documentation
Category: New feature or request
Category: Further information is requested
Category: Reworking an existing feature
Category: A regression that's already loose!
Category: A regression that hasn't been released yet
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Experience needed: Easy (good first issue)
Meta: This issue or pull request already exists
Meta: Extra attention is needed
Platform: One of the many flavors of linux