This is a simple project aimed at making other people's PowerShell scripts AND Python scripts be easily converted for everyone to use. - While throwing a bit of Base64 and certutil commands in there to give others more ideas on what can and could be possible.
- Download the latest release of this Repo.
- Unzip the file into the folder of choice.
- Place desired Powershell file(s) in the same folder.
- Use the syntax for the device and PowerShell script you want.
- Transfer "payload.txt" to BadUSB/DuckyScript Device of your choice.
- Run the payload.txt.
- Enjoy!
PS> .\encode.ps1 helloworld.ps1
Drag and Drop helloworld.ps1
onto DragNDropHERE-Hak5.cmd
PS> .\encode.ps1 helloworld.ps1 -flipper
Drag and Drop helloworld.ps1
onto DragNDropHERE-Flipper.cmd
Notice: * = This is just a example syntax using the provided "helloworld.ps1" in this repo.
- Common Error 1
You may run into Windows 11 Machines and rare cases Windows 10 Machines that give "File cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system.".
- Solution
You can run the "allowps.txt" BadUSB/Duckyscript provided in the repo to automatically do it for
you, or you can run the command Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
in a PowerShell Terminal.