a89fccd Add support for Zoho email
9914414 Added Kubernetes to the integrations list
0cc4286 Added notifications for wrong file types when dropping
2f8d914 Merge pull request #391 from Aashish-Upadhyay-101/Aashish-Upadhyay-101/GitLab-integration
efff841 Updated slack link
aca6269 add support link for all major errors
d948923 add typescript types to secret versions
a4074c9 add update Instructions
d3d5ead allow export by explicit projectId
74d17a2 axios changes to request
77226e0 check public and private keys before DecryptAsymmetric call
205ec61 improve export and run command docs
d537bd2 merge conflict resolve
2f045be missing break statement
b5c2f6e no login override popup when invalid private key
40ddd3b remove console.log() i.e used for testing
ff82af8 remove unused GetAllWorkSpaceConfigsStartingFromCurrentPath method
a7da858 reset cmd also delete secret backups
0d16f70 update export command docs with proejctId flag
1f05d6e update file permissions to be r/w only for owner
You can’t perform that action at this time.