This project allows you to train LSTM-based neural network models of jazz music in the .ls format, as well as convert the models into connectome files for use in Impro-Visor.
In order to run this project, you will need to install Python 3.5 (or later). You will also need the libraries theano
, theano-lstm
, sexpdata
, and matplotlib
, which you can install with
pip3 install theano theano-lstm sexpdata matplotlib
Note that Theano depends on SciPy. If you do not already have SciPy, pip3
should install SciPy automatically when you install Theano, but if that fails, you can download SciPy from their website. Alternately, you can install a Python 3.5 distribution that already has SciPy installed, such as Anaconda.
Before using the scripts, you will also need to make a file called .theanorc
in your home directory, with the following contents:
For additional Theano configuration options, including instructions on how to use the GPU, see the theano config documentation.
Python scripts are provided to accomplish certain tasks. Each script can be invoked using the python3
executable, for example
python3 [arguments]
- The main entry point for the project. Trains different types of model, as well as generating samples from them.
- Converts trained connectomes from pickle format (.p) to Impro-Visor connectome format (.ctome)
- Plots the internal state of a network, produced by in generation mode.
- Plots a .csv file as a graph, allowing you to visualize the training loss of a network
- Concatenates leadsheets together for easier viewing.
- Splits leadsheets into multiple pieces.
- Interleaves generated output with the original input in a single leadsheet, for use in autoencoder models.
Detailed instruction pages for each script are available in the instructions subdirectory, and each script will display a help message if the script is given the -h
Some general examples follow. See detailed instruction pages for more in-depth examples.
Train a product-of-experts generative model on a directory of leadsheet fileswith path datasets/my_dataset
, automatically resuming training if previously interrupted. By default, each leadsheet file will be split into 4-bar chunks starting at each bar.
$ python3 --dataset datasets/my_dataset --outputdir output_my_dataset --resume_auto poex
Generate some leadsheets using the trained product-of-experts model, sampling from the dataset:
$ python3 --dataset datasets/my_dataset --outputdir output_my_dataset/generated --resume 0 output_my_dataset/final_params.p --generate poex
Visualize the internal state of the network for the first generated leadsheet:
$ python3 output_my_dataset/generated 0
Plot the training progress of the network:
$ python3 output_my_dataset/data.csv
Convert the trained network into a connectome file:
$ python3 --keys param_keys/poex_keys.txt output_my_dataset/final_params.p
Train a compressing autoencoder on the same dataset, using fixed features and product-of-experts for compatibility with Impro-Visor:
$ python3 --dataset datasets/my_dataset --outputdir output_my_dataset_compae --resume_auto compae poex queueless_std --feature_period 24 --add_loss
Run the autoencoder on some leadsheets from the dataset, and then combine the input and output into a trading summary leadsheet:
$ python3 --dataset datasets/my_dataset --outputdir output_my_dataset_compae/generated --resume 0 output_my_dataset_compae/final_params.p --generate compae poex queueless_std --feature_period 24 --add_loss
$ python3 output_my_dataset_compae/generated
Convert the trained autoencoder into a connectome file:
$ python3 --keys param_keys/ae_poex_keys.txt output_my_dataset_compae/final_params.p