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Cesium edited this page Nov 12, 2022 · 3 revisions

Cops and Crims

The minigame modules are severely outdated and unsupported.

Pwn NOOBS in a BTEC Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Option default type description
Delay 0 slider Shooting delay
Teammates off toggle Target teammates
RCS off toggle Recoil Control System
Silent off toggle Silently aims, bullets fires at enemies w/o lock-on
Auto Shoot off toggle A U T O M A T I C A L L Y shoots
Bone head select Click and it says it self
Horizontal Recoil 2.0 slider Horizontal Recoil amount
Vertical Recoil 2.0 slider Vertical Recoil amount
Fov 360 slider FOV in which players will be targeted
Visible on toggle show in HUD
Keybind NONE press Binds the key

If you're still having trouble using Impact, feel free to join our Discord 😃

Never mind, our Discord server has been terminated. lol

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