All you need for deliverable 4: At this point, all users can be created from the app, so you don't really need any coordinates. You'll find below the admin coordinates and some previous cook accounts. Here's a client account: Email: [email protected] Password: 123456
Imane Amine - 300251048
Nida Taj - 300239050
Noah Ndahirwa - 300152285
Steven Wilson - 300220675
All you need for deliverable 3:
*Administrator coordinates: Email: [email protected]
Password: group28
- a cook account that was banned permanently: Email: [email protected] Password: 123456
- a cook account that was banned temporarily: Email: [email protected] Password: 123456
- you can still suspend some of the admin's complaints to test it more, all the credentials are stated below in "All you need for deliv 2 section"
- Cooks accounts that weren't suspended at all:
- Email: [email protected] Password: 123456
- Email: [email protected] Password: 123456
- Email: [email protected] Password: 123456
All you need for delivarable 2: *Administrator coordinates: Email: [email protected] Password: group28
- Cook's account related to the complaints: "since you don't have access to firebase"
- if cook's UID= APRC3oSojdTgQgX6AueXZIiawef1; Email: [email protected] Password: 123456
- if cook's UID= 2MsWl6aynRQhekQo6d2brVQhZX23; Email: [email protected] Password: 123456
- if cook's UID= fcRxTgZ7rzd7zKV2V6iIFANwKK32; Email: [email protected] Password: 123456
- if cook's UID= NsqDLaVSCTY1fK2rwdTI6jJ4b0p2; Email: [email protected] Password: 123456
- if cook's UID= RprrUuube2duzrCxL8L8joxeowF2; Email: [email protected] Password: 123456
We developed an Ottawa-based meal sharing application called “Mealy-App” where local cooks can sell meals to clients from their home. The application supports three types of users:
- Cook: a user that makes meals at home and sells them to Clients.
- Client: a user that buys meals from Cooks. They order the meal through the application and pick it up from the Cook’s home.
- Administrator: a user that receives complaints about a Cooks from a Client and may suspend the Cook if necessary.