TEAM : Police Rescue
OUR TRAINED MODEL FILE : Try to see this code!! LINK :
DATASET : Download dataset and paste the csv file on predictive_crime folder!! link :
To run this prototype, you must have the following libraries installed on your PC:
- Streamlit
- Matplotlib.pyplot
- Godesic
- KMeans
- Numpy
- Pandas
- Pickle
Make sure you have all the required libraries installed on your system. You can install them using pip:
pip install streamlit matplotlib godesic KMeans numpy pandas pickle
To run the models, navigate to the model
folder in your command prompt (cmd) and execute the following commands:
- Cluster Model:
streamlit run "write full path\model\"
- ARIMA Model:
streamlit run "write full path\model\arima\"
- Accused Behavior Model:
streamlit run "write full path\model\accused behaiver\"
- Predictive Model:
streamlit run "write full path\model\"
After running each model, you will get a local network URL. Replace the placeholder "runing network url" with the provided URL in the respective HTML files:
clustered_crime.html: Replace
"runing network url"
future_crime_predicted.html: Replace
"runing network url"
behaviroal_prediction.html: Replace
"runing network url"
prediction_for_cases.html: Replace
"runing network url"
Once all models are running and URLs are replaced, you can access the prototype by opening the respective HTML files in a web browser.
Now you can explore the prototype! If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out.