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PIVX Reddit TipBot

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With more than 1.6 Billion monthly views and the largest crypto-specific communities (or subreddits) in the world, Reddit is one of the most influential forums to make announcements, share ideas and engage with peers in crypto today. The PIVX Reddit Tip-Bot aims at empowering this user base by allowing easy access to PIVX, one of the most private and lightweight coins in the cryptoverse. Users will be able to reward authors of content they enjoyed, trade PIVX for goods and services, and monetize their posts and comments in a safe and distributed fashion.

How to use it

The PIVX Reddit Tip Bot allows users to perform basic PIVX transactions between fellow Redditors.

The bot interfaces with you via /u/pivxtipbot which will respond to the following commands via Direct Message (DM):

!deposit - this command generates a one-time deposit address for your account. This address will therefore only be associated with your account for one transaction. You must generate a new deposit address every time you wish to reload your account. Every time you generate a new deposit address all previous addresses are invalidated,

!withdraw [the amount of piv] [your PIVX address] - this command withdraws your PIVX to any PIVX address. The minimum amount of PIVX to withdraw is 0.1 PIV.

!balance - this command displays your account's balance in PIVX.

!history - this command lists all the tips you've ever either received or sent.

!transactions - this command displays the list of all the deposits and withdrawals of your Reddit TipBot account.

The bot operates on a 3 decimal place limit.

To transfer funds or "tip" an user within Reddit you must reply /u/pivxtipbot tip [the amount of piv] to a thread or comment of the desired recipient in any subreddit where bot activity is allowed. The minimum tip amount is 0.001 PIVX. If you execute a tip with more than 3 decimal places the amount will be rounded down to the closest thousandth. For example, if you tip someone 10.593856 the bot will transfer 10.593 from your account to the receiver.

Maintaining the bot and its codebase online and free of bugs costs time and money. The bot is designed to minimize transaction fees but the PIVX network will also sometimes want its share. In order to keep the PIVX Reddit Tipbot service operational, it will regularly scrape all users' balances such to round them down to the nearest 0.001. For example if you receive a transaction of 10.85283 PIVX, your available balance will be of 10.852 PIVX with 0.00083 gone to cover eventual outbound transaction fees and fund further development. This is the ONLY fee the bot will ever charge.

This bot operates across the whole of Reddit. You may tip users in any subreddit in accordance to that sub's rules.

Run it yourself

  1. Install the required dependencies (tutorial):

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

curl -o- | bash
nvm install 10.10.0

Check the nodejs version:

node -v

Install NPM globally

npm install npm --global

Prepare your machine for the bot

sudo apt-get install mongodb
sudo apt-get install make build-essential
  1. Download and install the PIVX client (official walkthrough):

Please check the latest PIVX client release at

tar -xvzf pivx-3.1.1-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz

We must now edit the pivx.config file to add the rpc settings to use on the config.json file of the bot

mkdir ~/.pivx
nano ~/.pivx/pivx.conf

Add the following lines to the file. For the X's, press 16+ random keys on the keyboard. You wil need to report these values to the config.json file of the bot:

rpcport=33333 //you can chose your preferred port
enablezeromint=0 //the bot can't do zpiv yet!

Start the daemon

~/pivx-3.1.1/bin/pivxd -daemon

Encrypt wallet.dat

~/pivx-3.1.1/bin/pivx-cli encryptwallet mysupercomplexpasswordhere

Start the daemon again and unlock it with staking and anonymization off. The syntax is walletpassphrase <passphrase> <unlock time> <for staking/anonymization only true/false>

~/pivx-3.1.1/bin/pivx-cli walletpassphrase <passphrase>  0 false

Let the wallet sync

  1. Set the PIVX Reddit Tip Bot up:

Git clone this repository and extract its content


You must now customize your config.json file with your custom variables

nano ~/master/src/data/config-example.json //save as config.json

Once the codebase is up to date to your preferences you must install npm

cd ~/PRTB-master
npm install
npm install npm -g
npm i pm2 -g

You may now run your instance for the first time. You will need to maintain the ssh connection to the machine running the bot to keep it running. Use this command to test the bot and visualize all activities of the bot.

cd ~/PRTB-master
node index

Once you're satisfied with the tests we may start the bot "for production" such that once the program is set on an independent VPS machine it may run without any ssh user connection.

cd ~/PRTB-master
pm2 start index.js --name PRTB

To stop the bot type

pm2 stop PRTB

A special thanks to DaJuukes for his continued support and great contribution toward crafting the official PIVX Reddit Tip Bot

Coffe Me

PIVX: D6YcukkCyL66objpjZmnrNrwheTv4YdC8f

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