We are a team from Chesterfield Missouri that competed at Saint Louis, Central Illinois, and Detroit.
an outward clamp that utilizes a single double solenoid to secure a hatch by moving it outward and then release it by moving it back inward.
a single-motor driven vectored wheeled intake with ominwheels in the center to insure balls are consistantly in the middle for accurate shooting.
a two-motor driven rotational arm that moves down to aquire balls and place hatches on the rocketship and up to aquire hatches and place them on the cargoship.
a single-motor driven rotational arm with a single-motor driven wheeled intake used to suck hatches up from the ground and rotate them up to the hatch intake.
a vision camera used to autonomously track the targets on the field to both place cargo and hatches on the cargoship and pickup hatches from the loading station.
a led strip that updates based on whether the limelight detects a vision target, the ball intake has a ball, etc.
For fully autonomous actions that require no driver interaction we utilize a modified version of Team 254, The Cheesy Poofs, autonomous planning java code.
(The following information is in no way complete. It, instead, acts as a brief introduction to our coding conventions)
class IntakeLifter;
double desiredDegrees;
if (condition) {
if (condition) {
} else {
if (condition) {
} else if (condition) {
} else {