The backend project of the Industry 4.0 - Model Management Platform.
To run the spring application locally, a PostgreSQL database has to be configured according to the information in the A detailed documentation of the REST API can be found here or as a swagger specification here.
Clone the repo but make sure a valid ssh key has been set in gitlab or use https
$ git clone [email protected]:hirmerpl/Enpro-Industrie_4.0_Model_Management.git
go into app's directory
$ cd Enpro-Industrie_4.0_Model_Management
Build the spring application
$ ./gradlew build
Run the spring application locally so it is available on http://localhost:8080
$ java -jar build/libs/mmp-backend-boot.jar
Run the spring application in production mode so it uses the production database.
$ java -jar build/libs/mmp-backend-boot.jar
Run the spring application in production mode so it uses the production database and initialize the database with sample data.
$ java -jar build/libs/mmp-backend-boot.jar
For more information visit