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- The Lane’s Gifts v. Google Report by Alexander Tuzhilin. 2006. Note
- Click Fraud Detection: Adversarial Pattern Recognition over 5 Years at Microsoft by Brendan Kitts et al. Real World Data Mining Applications 2015.
- Fighting Online Click-Fraud Using Bluff Ads by Hamed Haddadi. ACM Computer Communication Review 2010. Note
- Measuring and Fingerprinting Click-Spam in Ad Networks by Vacha Dave et al. ACM SIGCOMM Conference on Data Communication 2012.
- DECAF: Detecting and Characterizing Ad Fraud in Mobile Apps by Bin Liu et al. Proc. 11th USENIX Conf. Netw. Syst. Des. Implementation 2014.
- MAdFraud: Investigating Ad Fraud in Android Applications by Jonathan Crussell et al. Proc. 12th International Conference on Mobile Systems Applications and Services (MobiSys'14) 2014.
- Detecting Click Fraud in Pay-Per-Click Streams of Online Advertising Networks by Linfeng Zhang et al. ICDCS 2008.
- Using Association Rules for Fraud Detection in Web Advertising Networks by Ahmed Metwally et al. VLDB 2005.
- Detecting Click Fraud in Online Advertising: A Data Mining Approach by Richard Oentaryo et al. JMLR 2014.
- Feature Engineering for Click Fraud Detection by Clifton Phua et al. International Workshop on Fraud Detection in Mobile Advertising (FDMA) 2012.
- A Novel Approach Based on Ensemble Learning for Fraud Detection in Mobile Advertising by Kasun S. Perera et al. International Workshop on Fraud Detection in Mobile Advertising (FDMA) 2012. Note
- Hybrid Models for Click Fraud Detection in Mobile Advertising by Chen Wei et al. International Workshop on Fraud Detection in Mobile Advertising (FDMA) 2012.
- Random Forests for the Detection of Click Fraud in Online Mobile Advertising by Daniel Berrar et al. International Workshop on Fraud Detection in Mobile Advertising (FDMA) 2012.
- Hierarchical Committee Machines for Fraud Detection in Mobile Advertising by S. Shivashankar et al. International Workshop on Fraud Detection in Mobile Advertising (FDMA) 2012.
- FDMA 2012 Competition Dataset by BuzzCity Pte. Ltd. FDMA 2012.
- 2017广告反欺诈白皮书 by 腾讯灯塔, 秒针, AdMaster. 2017.
- The State of Mobile Fraud Q1 2018 by Appsflyer. 2018.
- 2020中国移动广告反欺诈白皮书 by 腾讯安全天御, 腾讯防火墙, InMobi. 2020.
- 阿里妈妈流量反作弊算法实践 by 阿里妈妈风控团队. 2021.
- Anomaly Detection: A Survey by Varun Chandola et al. ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 41, No. 3, 15, 01.07.2009.
- Scikit-learn Novelty and Outlier Detection
- Python Outlier Detection (PyOD)
- ELKI: Environment for Developing KDD-Applications Supported by Index-Structures
- Facebook Immune System by Tao Stein et al. Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Social Network Systems, SNS, 2011.
- Learned lessons in credit card fraud detection from a practitioner perspective by A Dal Pozzolo et al. Expert Systems with Applications, 41(10):4915–4928, 2014.
- APATE: A Novel Approach for Automated Credit Card Transaction Fraud Detection using Network-Based Extensions by Veronique Van Vlasselaer et al. Decision Support Systems, 2015.
- Detecting Fraudulent Behavior Using Recurrent Neural Networks by Yoshihiro Ando et al. Computer Security Symposium 2016.
- Session-Based Fraud Detection in Online E-Commerce Transactions Using Recurrent Neural Networks by Shuhao Wang et al. PKDD 2017. Slides
- 2017电子商务生态安全白皮书 by 电子商务生态安全联盟. 2017.