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galahad-train-battery (1.0.0)

Python program for training linguistic annotation taggers based on a configuration file and list of datasets. It prepares the resulting trained models for dockerization and adds relevant metadata. It is tagger software agnostic as long as a simple Python shell is built around it.

GaLAHaD-related Repositories


  1. git clone --recurse-submodules
  2. Run
  3. Run (see usage below).

How to use

Running python3 trains all configs found in configs/. To train a specific config, supply its directory name relative to configs/. E.g. python3 pie/tdn, or supply multiple. Once trained, the models will appear in the galahad-taggers-dockerized/ folder. builds all models to images. Optionally, supply one or more specific configurations as an argument: python3 pie/tdn.


The first level of folders in configs/ dictates what tagger is used. A tagger with the same directory name must exist in taggers/. The second level of folders correspond to models: each configuration will train a single model. A config folder contains a datasets.json and config.json file. The format of datasets.json is:

  "datasets": ["my-first-dataset", "my-second-dataset"]

Dataset names (e.g. my-first-dataset) must correspond to a folder in galahad-corpus-data/training-data (e.g. galahad-corpus-data/training-data/my-first-dataset/). When multiple datasets are specified, they will be merged automatically. The format of config.json is up to the specific tagger and can be used to set parameters such as learning rate.


Each folder in galahad-corpus-data/training-data contains one dataset, pre-split in train, dev and test. A dataset must have three files that end in *train.tsv, *dev.tsv and *test.tsv respectively. If multiple matching files exist, the first is chosen. To support the merging of datasets, tsv files cannot have headers. That does mean that only datasets with the same column order should be merged, so pay attention to this when selecting datasets to merge. Tsv files are expected to have the same number of tabs (\t) on each line. This is especially important for taggers that read the first line to determine the number of columns.

See the galahad-corpus-data repository for more information on the datasets.


Training a configuration creates a folder in galahad-taggers-dockerized/[tagger-name]/[config-name] where the trained model is stored. It uses a docker prefab as a base to create this folder, stored in docker-prefabs/[tagger-name]/. I.e., any files in the prefab (such as a Dockerfile) are conveniently copied over.

See for more information on how to hook up a trained model to Galahad.

How it works: the training process

When you run, it:

  1. merges datasets defined in datasets.json (if multiple are defined) and stores them in galahad-corpus-data/training-data/[dataset1]-[dataset2]/
  2. creates an output folder at galahad-taggers-dockerized/[tagger-name]/[config-name].
  3. copies over config.json and datasets.json to the output folder for sake of provenance.
  4. copies over the contents of docker-prefabs/[tagger-name] to the output folder (overwriting the json files if desired).
  5. creates a virtual environment for the tagger located at taggers/[tagger-name]/venv/.
  6. runs taggers/[tagger-name]/[tagger-name]/ that installs all necessary packages in the venv.
  7. calls taggers/[tagger-name]/ from the venv with 4 console arguments (see below).
  8. Lastly, the tagger and its own are now expected to produce a model at galahad-taggers-dockerized/[tagger-name].

Why .sh instead of pip -r requirements.txt?

Use of --no-deps is not yet supported for requirements.txt (see pypa/pip#10837). Some taggers need to install packages with --no-deps. This is a workaround. If you don't need this, your can be as simple as:

pip install -r requirements.txt

How to add a new tagger for training

  1. To add a new tagger, create the folder taggers/my-tagger.
  2. In here, create This file will be called by the at the repo root. It will provide 4 console arguments: python3 taggers/my-tagger/ [train_set_path] [dev_set_path] [config_path] [docker_path]. train_set_path and dev_set_path will each refer to a single tsv file. config_path refers to a json file in configs/my-tagger/some-configuration. docker_path will refer to a folder where your tagger can save its trained model.
  3. Add the code of your own tagger. Git clone your tagger to taggers/my-tagger/my-tagger. Configure your so that it will train your tagger, and provide a in your cloned repository taggers/[tagger-name]/[tagger-name]/
  4. Add all the files that you want to be copied over to docker_path at docker-prefabs/my-tagger. A Dockerfile for example.
  5. Add a configuration for your tagger at configs/my-tagger/some-configuration. This contains a datasets.json and a config.json. You can use the latter for specific configuration for your tagger.
  6. Now, run python3 my-tagger/some-configuration. The output model should appear in galahad-taggers-dockerized/my-tagger. You can now dockerize your tagger. See the galahad-taggers-dockerized repository for further steps with your docker container.

Example folder structure

- galahad-corpus-data/
  - training-data/
    - first/
      - *train.tsv
      - *dev.tsv
      - *test.tsv
    - second/
      - *train.tsv
      - *dev.tsv
      - *test.tsv
    - pie-first-second/ # created automatically by merging the datasets
- galahad-taggers-dockerized/
  - pie/
    - first-second/ # folder is created
      - Dockerfile # copied over from docker-prefabs
- taggers/
  - pie/ 
    - pie/
- docker-prefabs/
  - pie/
    - Dockerfile
- configs/
  - pie/
    - first-second/
      - config.json
      - datasets.json # specifies both datasets

Dev info

  • We use the Black formatter.
  • Python 3.10.12