Discord bot to remind users after the requested time has elapsed.
Reminder is officially supported on Go 1.6.1+.
go get github.com/IMcPwn/Reminder
The executable should be located under GOPATH/bin/Reminder(.exe)
This assumes you have declared $GOPATH or %GOPATH% on Windows. For help setting up a Go environment, see: https://golang.org/doc/install
!RemindMe [number] [minute(s)/hour(s)/day(s)] [reminder message]
Command line options:
-date string
Date format.
-db string
Database file name.
-limit int
The rate limit for sending messages (excluding reminders).
-log string
Log file name.
-loglevel string
Log level. Options: info, debug, warn, error
-sleep int
Seconds to sleep in between checking the database.
-t string
Discord authentication token.
BSD 3-clause
This plugin is made by IMcPwn .
Contact information such as email, twitter, and other methods of contact are avaliable here: http://imcpwn.com