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Bundle Installation View

jalatman edited this page Jan 17, 2019 · 1 revision

Stored values for the BundleInstallation Child View Controller are found in BundleInstallationChildVCConstants.swift.


  1. string value stored in BundleInstallationChildVC_Constants.header

  2. each bundle listing is composed of:

    • (a) a progress indicator: each bundle uses a unique key value to reference for displaying the proper indicator status provided by the installation script. You can assign the key name for the above example at AppBundlesConstants.Bundle.A.Keys.Bundle.status. To enable the indicator to display the rotating progress spinner for example, a integer value of 1 would be assigned to the key specified at AppBundlesConstants.Bundle.A.Keys.Bundle.status in the applications property list (
    • (b) a text label for displaying the bundle name: string value shared with the Bundle InfoPopver constants. The above example would be found in AppBundlesConstants.Bundle.A.Infopopover.header.
    • (c) a text label for displaying status messages: each bundle uses a unique key value to reference for displaying a progress text string provided by the installation script. You can assign the key name for the above example at AppBundlesConstants.Bundle.A.Keys.Bundle.messaging. To provide the customer with a message of "Installing AnyConnect" for example, that string would be assigned to the key specified at AppBundlesConstants.Bundle.A.Keys.Bundle.messaging in the applications property list (
  3. each app contained in a bundle is composed of:

    • (a) a progress indicator: each app in a bundle uses a unique key value to reference for displaying the proper indicator status provided by the installation script. You can assign the key name for the above example at AppBundlesConstants.Bundle.A.Keys.Bundle.AppStatus.app1. To enable the indicator to display the rotating progress spinner for example, a integer value of 1 would be assigned to the key specified at AppBundlesConstants.Bundle.A.Keys.Bundle.AppStatus.app1 in the applications property list (
    • (b) a text label for displaying the app name: string value shared with the Bundle InfoPopver constants, specifying the index value for the app name position in the array. The above example would be found in AppBundlesConstants.Bundle.A.Infopopover.titles[0].
  4. The total progress countdown clock is comprised of two elements:

    • (a) a string value stored at BundleInstallationChildVC_Constants.estimatedTimeRemainingMessageTextLabel
    • (b) a computed value derived from the total download time associated with the value provided by the enrollment workflow script and the choices made by the customer to the key specified at AppBundlesConstants.Keys.installClockTotal.
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