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Kolada API

Kolada provides a web-service for accessing standardized key performance indicators (KPI) concerning Swedish municipalities and organizational units. The database is created and upheld by RKA This project describes that API and includes examples for accessing it.

The kolada database

Within the kolada database there are two different types of data.

  • The municipal data
  • The organizational unit data

The municipal data contains KPIs for the Swedish kommuner and landsting, there are about 4500 KPIs within the database. On organizational unit level the data is less comprehensive, but there are still quite a few KPIs on this level. Each KPI is currently measured once a year, and the data may be divided by gender. I.e. for each KPI there may be at most three values, based on gender being female, male and a total.

The general structure of the data is:

KPI, municipal or organizational unit, year, gender: data

In other words, the database has only four basic dimension for each dataset.

To help client make relevant queries, there are two help-dimensions, KPI groups and Municipal groups. The KPI groups consists of the groups that RKA have chosen to publish as 'Tabeller' (Jämföraren) on kolada.

The municipal groups are groups present in koladas various reports. Data is also present for each municipal group, this value is an unweighted average of the members.

Below is a technical information about the URL:s in koladas Web API. If you know swedish you may also be interested in the examples folder, e.g kommunens kvalitet i korthet

Technical information about data and metadata

Key performance indicator values are referred to as data whereas metadata describes

  • Key performance indicator
  • Municipality
  • Organizational unit (OU)

For a proper query URL you need metadata such as id of a KPI and municipality or organizational unit. See the examples below. For each query the result is

  • in JSON format
  • limited to 5000 items for each request

Note! To read all entries for a query you need to retrieve each page by following the URL in the next_page field, see the Routes section for more information.


The service is found at and provides a read only API. Each response from the service if it's correct returns a JSON structure like:

    "values": [ {obj}, {obj}, ..., {obj}],
    "count": <int>,               // Length of values
    "previous_page": "<string>",  // Optional: Full URL to previous page, if any
    "next_page": "<string>"       // Optional: Full URL to next page, if any

The obj structure differs between metadata, find out in the below section what it looks like for each.

For all URL:s a parameter per_page may be given, which will limit the number of posts in the result. The default value is the maximum, 5000.


For each query remember to url-encode the SEARCH_STR.

All metadata may be queried on the form

  • entity/id
  • entity?title=...

where entity may be

  • kpi
  • kpi_groups
  • municipality
  • municipality_groups
  • ou

The id may be a comma separated string of many ids.


  • SEARCH_STR = Män som tar ut tillfällig föräldrapenning

Object structure:

    "auspices": "<string>",
    "id": "<string>",
    "title": "<string>",
    "description": "<string>",
    "definition": "<string>",
    "municipality_type": "L|K|A",
    "is_divided_by_gender": <int>,
    "operating_area": "<string>",
    "ou_publication_date": "<string>" or null,
    "perspective": "<string>",
    "publication_date": "<string>" or null,
    "has_ou_data": <true/false>,
    "prel_publication_date": "<string>" or null


  • publication_date and prel_publication_date is the expected next publication or preliminary publication of the KPI on municipality-level.
  • ou_publication_date is the date of the next publication of the KPI on OU-level.
  • is_divided_by_gender is a hint that there may be data on all genders.
  • municipality_type is either L (for County Council (swedish: Landsting)) or K for municipality (swedish: Kommun). A is short for a kpi where values for both K and L may exists.
  • auspices and operating_area are metadata on the KPI.
  • has_ou_data indicates whether there may exist data on the OU-level.

In the structure above, there are several dates that are given as strings. The typical structure of the date is the standard swedish: YYYY-mm-dd, but there are no technical constraints for this pattern.

  • SEARCH_STR = lund

Object structure:

    "id": "<string>",
    "title": "<string>",
    "type": "L|K"
  • L is short for County Council (swedish: Landsting)
  • K is short for municipality (swedish: Kommun)

Organizational units

  • SEARCH_STR = skola

Object structure:

    "id": "<string>",
    "municipality": "<string>",
    "title": "<string>"

you may optionally give a municipality as a parameter, e.g.:

which will return all OUs from municipal 'Upplands Väsby', where 'skola' is part of the title. The municipality paramter may be a comma-separated string of many municipalities.


There a two types of groups defined by the by the API,

  • KPI groups
  • Municipality groups
  • SEARCH_STR = kostnad

Object structure:

    "id": "<string>",
    "title": "<string>",
    "members": [
        {"id": "<string>", "title": "<string>"}

Query data

Data queries are on the following forms, the form where all entities are given:


Here, the MUNICIPALITY_ID may be that of a group.


  • Note! KPI, MUNICIPALITY_ID and PERIOD can all be comma separated strings. The URL length is the limit which differs across browsers.

or where only two are given:


Object structure:

    "kpi": "<string>",
    "municipality": "<string>",
    "period": "<string>",
    "values: [
       {"count": <int>, "gender": "T|K|F", "status": "<string>", "value": <float> or null}

The values array may at most contain three entries, one for each gender. 'count' we only differ from 1 when the municipality is a group. In this case the count will be the number of members in that group which contributed to the value, which is an unweighted average.

For the organizational unit level, this are exacly the same as above except we are working with ou instead of municipality.


Object structure:

    "kpi": "<string>",
    "out": "<string>",
    "period": "<string>",
    "values": [
       {"count": <int>, "gender": "T|K|F", "status": "<string>", "value": <float> or null},

New, deleted or changd values

All data-queries has a optional extraparameter from_date. This parameter notifies the API that the last time you made the exact same query was at this perticular date, and you want the changes since then.

OBS! The from_date parameter works only on data-queries, and will not work on entity-queries.

When the from_date parameter is given all objects in the values array are returned with an extra-parameter is_deleted.

Object structure:

    "kpi": "<string>",
    "out": "<string>",
    "period": "<string>",
    "values": [
       {"count": <int>, "gender": "T|K|F", "status": "<string>", "value": <float> or null, "is_deleted": 0|1},

When is_deleted is set the value will always be null.

The format of the from_date parameter is standard swedish date format: YYYY-MM-DD.


Here we ask for changes made to data in this request from 2015-02-28.


Since this is a read-only API, and not a very strict one, there are not many error you can encounter. But the following may happen

  • HTTP 404 - the url requested did not match any of the URLs described above.
  • HTTP 400 - Typically some or many of the paramaters given in the URL, were illegal. But a too long URL also generates a HTTP 400 error.
  • HTTP 500 - There are some error which will generate a 500-code. Typically if you encounter this is should be reported to RKA.


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