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Releases: HungryProton/scatter


23 Oct 08:06
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ProtonScatter for Godot 4

  • This rewrite of the add-on works with Godot 4.x (4.0 to 4.2 at the time of writing)
  • This version is NOT compatible with projects created on Godot 3.x
  • Also available in the Asset Library

New features and changes

  • Multiple Shape nodes can be added as children of Scatter nodes
  • The new ScatterCache node allows you to store the results to a file and load it at run time, instead of recalculating everything. (This can be slower depending on the modifiers' complexity / amount of transforms to restore)
  • Built in documentation is available from the top right corner of the modifier stack
  • New Look at modifier
  • See the README for a detailed guide on how to use this release.


03 Aug 08:57
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Maintenance release

  • Improves compatibility with Godot 3.5 (Backward compatibility is preserved with older versions).
  • Fixes a bug that could prevent the path panel to initialize in some cases.


21 Oct 19:30
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New features

  • Editing a Scatter node path can be slow with a lot of items. The new Preview count parameter lowers this number while
    the curve is edited. (Negative values disable the preview feature).
  • New modifier Distribute along path (Continuous). Perfect for fences or other scenarios where the items need to touch each other in a continuous way. (Closes #23)
  • A default ScatterItem node is automatically added if none exists under a Scatter node

Bug fixes

  • UI fixes and performance boost on long paths.
  • Merge target meshes now uses the MeshInstance materials in priority over the ones defined on the mesh resource.
  • Removed a dependency to the demo assets. This folder is now safe to delete.
  • Scatter no longer throws errors if the curve is empty.
  • Duplicating Scatter nodes in embedded scenes no longer leaves leftover nodes behind.


12 Oct 20:56
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  • Fix critical bug from previous release (2.8.2) that would delete your reference item if it was on the local scene. (Separate scenes were not affected)
  • Fix an issue causing the add-on to throw errors on Godot 3.3 because of the recent changes done to accept 32 layers in the Project on floor modifier.
    • The extra layers are now automatically hidden if you're using 3.3, and works as normal in 3.4


11 Oct 20:16
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2.8.2 Pre-release

Do not use this release

  • It has a severe bug that could lead to data loss.
  • Use the 2.8.3 release that fixes it.


  • Fix issue #55, orphaned nodes are now properly added to the tree or manually deleted when needed. Should prevent memory leaks, (at least when running the game, can't guarantee it for the editor itself but should be good too).
  • Fix an issue where a lot of errors would appear in the console when creating a Scatter node after deleting the demo assets.


04 Oct 12:53
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  • Potential fix for #54, causing embedded material to sometimes disappear.
    • This bug is hard to replicate so the fix might not be complete.
    • Please comment on issue #54 is this still happens to you.

New feature

  • You can now use multiple meshes at once when using instancing 🎉
    • Enable the Merge target meshes under the ScatterItem node.
    • This is disabled by default to avoid breaking backward compatibility.
    • This option does not edit the source scene.
    • When enabled, the new merged mesh will be stored in the current scene. This may or may not be an issue depending on the vertex count.


24 Sep 09:28
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Changelog since 2.7.2

New features

  • Bitmask for collision masking now support 32 layers. (Changed in Godot 3.4)
  • New Cast shadow option in the Scatter Item node. Allows you to define it once, so you don't have to manually change it on the multimesh instance every time it's rebuilt.
    • Doesn't appear when instancing is disabled.
  • Generated nodes are now locked and unselectable by default. Can be changed on the Scatter node.
  • New option in the left panel to force project newly created points on the path plane.
    • This is disabled by default because it causes weird inconsistency when using undo redo when creating new points.
    • This does not affect the rest of the editor undo redo capabilities, so it should be fine to enable as long as you're aware of this issue.


  • When using Project on floor, the Align with normal option now work as expected when the Scatter node is rotated


22 Jul 07:39
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Changelog since 2.5.1:

New modifiers

  • Randomize rotation: Has a snap_angle parameter when you want random rotation in fixed steps.
  • Add around points: New modifiers that creates new items around a point, does not require a path.

Modifiers update

  • New categories for better readability
  • Array modifier can now be randomized


  • Fixes issues #44 #45 #46
  • Scatter nodes are forced to update on ready (optional, on by default). This is useful when the scatter node is saved in an external scene and doesn't update in the parent scene when launching the game.


22 May 14:56
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add: popup with layer names in the bitmask component


30 Jan 15:52
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Bug fix:

  • Offset Rotation now uses degrees like every other modifiers instead of radians