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Avocado Project

Avocado is easy to learn and use framework for PHP8.1 or higher. Heavily inspired by Spring Boot.


  • Easy and fast way to create applications in PHP.
  • Easy extensible with new features.
  • OOP based application.
  • High abstraction level especially database connection is only a detail.
  • Testable applications.
  • Easy configured app.
  • Fully use PHP attributes from PHP8.0.


  • Rest controllers.
  • ORM.
  • Configuration properties in application.{yaml,json} file.
  • Database connection is only a detail.
  • Easy writing integration tests.
  • Easy file uploading.
  • JSON serializing and deserializing.
  • Many allowed databases - to connect you only need to set driver class.
  • Middleware.
  • Custom attributes (annotations) interceptors.
  • Parsing request body, params, query, files, attributes into variables (also objects).
  • Fully support for enums.
  • Abstraction level for database.
  • Errors and exceptions handlers.
  • Dependency injection.

Is Avocado for you?

If you like Java environment (especially Spring boot), OOP, fast development process or fully tests application Avocado is for you.

First app

You need to redirect all request into main file. In Apache, you can do it in .htaccess file like this:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.+)$ /index.php/$1 [L,QSA]

or in NGINX

server {
    listen 80 default_server;

    location / {
            rewrite ^ /index.php last

Quick start

class Message {
    public function __construct(private string $message){}

class GrettingController {

    // response will be JSON { "message": "Hello, <name>!" }
    public function greet(#[RequestParam(name: "name", defaulValue: "John")] string $name): Message {
        return new Message("Hello, " . $name . "!");

class DemoApplication {

    public static function run(): void {


Plans for future

  • Create a similar system for JPA repositories.
  • Caching data in Redis database.


Open Source on Apache2.0