Translation pipe is a small local tool to add standardized word of translation next to the matched key word. Suggestion and issue-report are welcome! :)
1. Put links of original article to the requirement[XXX].xlsx file to /data/requirement/ folder. Sample file:
python -c
The results should appear in /data/standardized.
- Python 3.6 with Windows 10 x64.
- Can't touch websites banned by the-great-wall;
- Can't download contents loaded dynamically (i.e. loaded by js code) -- yes, i will deal with it later;
- Change the file format of terminology from 机器之心;
- No.2 of the Known Issues;
- Work as a small SAAS;
- Support word, pdf;
- Support OCR of images.
- download article translated by 机器之心、大数据文摘、数据派 as the training materials.
- sugguestion and issure report;
- standard word contribution;
- donation.
- 机器之心(Artificial-Intelligence-Terminology):
- 机器之心(Github 词汇集项目):