Releases: HtmlUnit/htmlunit
HtmlUnit 4.10.0
This release is not compatible with 3.xx versions
Chrome/Edge 133, Firefox 135
many Rhino/core-js improvements/fixes/performance updates
reviewed and fixed javascript error handling, now HtmlUnit throws the correct error in (almost) all cases
as usual a bunch of improvements and fixes
Please have a look at the full release notes for details about this release.
💕 Thank you to all who have contributed and to the sponsors (more sponsoring is welcome
Full Changelog: 4.9.0...4.10.0
HtmlUnit 4.9.0
This release is not compatible with 3.xx versions
Chrome/Edge 132, Firefox 134
BigInt support added
core-js: junit-vintage-engine was NOT marked as 'test' dependency, therefore we had junit as part of our depenencies/lib/diestribution (regression from 4.8.0)
as usual a bunch of improvements and fixes
Please have a look at the full release notes for details about this release.
💕 Thank you to all who have contributed and to the sponsors (more sponsoring is welcome
Full Changelog: 4.8.0...4.9.0
HtmlUnit 4.8.0
This release is not compatible with 3.xx versions
cssparser: improved color (hwb(), lab(), lch(), oklab(), and oklch()) support including relative color definitions
core-js: super operator implemented
core-js: many improvements
Apache commons-net and commons-text are no longer runtime dependencies
as usual a bunch of improvements and fixes
Please have a look at the full release notes for details about this release.
💕 Thank you to all who have contributed and to the sponsors (more sponsoring is welcome
Full Changelog: 4.7.0...4.8.0
HtmlUnit 4.7.0
This release is not compatible with 3.xx versions
Chrome/Edge 131, Firefox 133
core-js: String.prototype.matchAll, Symbol.matchAll, and RegExp.prototype[Symbol.matchAll] added
Implementation of Plugin/PluginArray/MimeType/MimeTypeArray updated
Upgrade Apache commons-io to 2.18.0
DOMTokenList add()/remove() are able to handle an arbitrary amount of tokens
document.all == undefined and document.all == null now returns true
performance improvements and micro optimizations
as usual a bunch of improvements and fixes
Please have a look at the full release notes for details about this release.
💕 Thank you to all who have contributed and to the sponsors (more sponsoring is welcome
Full Changelog: 4.6.0...4.7.0
HtmlUnit 4.6.0
This release is not compatible with 3.xx versions
Chrome/Edge 130, Firefox 132
core-js: fixes for default values in destructuring assignments; fixes for optional chain and nullish coalesce
core-js: support optional chaining for function calls, as well as the "eval" case like 'f?.()'
core-js: nullish assignment operator '??=' implemented
performance improvements for the DOM parsing/construction
as usual a bunch of improvements and fixes
Please have a look at the full release notes for details about this release.
💕 Thank you to all who have contributed and to the sponsors (more sponsoring is welcome
Full Changelog: 4.5.0...4.6.0
HtmlUnit 4.5.0
This release is not compatible with 3.xx versions
Chrome/Edge 129, Firefox 131, FirefoxESR 128
core-js: optional chaining operator '?.' support added
core-js: Support for default parameters added
core-js: Support for nullish coalescing operator '??' added.
core-js: Support for logical assigment operators '||=' and '&&=' added.
core-js: many minor improvements and fixes
FormData improved
WorkerNavigator and WorkerLocation implemented; WebWorker context setup fixed, all API's now available.
as usual a bunch of improvements and fixes
Please have a look at the full release notes for details about this release.
💕 Thank you to all who have contributed and to the sponsors (more sponsoring is welcome
Full Changelog: 4.4.0...4.5.0
HtmlUnit 4.4.0
This release is not compatible with 3.xx versions
Chrome/Edge 127, Firefox 128
XMLHttprequest got many fixes and improvements
core-js: various missing methods in TypedArray added
core-js: computed properties support added
core-js: many small improvements
handling of FieldSets in forms improved
ComputedCSSStyleDeclaration.display takes care of the hidden attribute
as usual a bunch of fixes
Please have a look at the full release notes for details about this release.
💕 Thank you to all who have contributed and to the sponsors (more sponsoring is welcome
Full Changelog: 4.3.0...4.4.0
HtmlUnit 4.3.0
This release is not compatible with 3.xx versions
Chrome/Edge 126, Firefox 127
core-js: improved 'const' handling
many localization ralated fixes/improvments
improved innerHTML content parsing for special tags like title, textarea, style, and script.
DocumentFragment append()/prepend()/replaceChildren() added.
XPathEvaluator.createExpression() and XPathExpression.evaluate() added
as usual a bunch of fixes
Please have a look at the full release notes for details about this release.
💕 Thank you to all who have contributed and to the sponsors (more sponsoring is welcome
Full Changelog: 4.2.0...4.3.0
HtmlUnit 4.2.0
This release is not compatible with 3.xx versions
Chrome/Edge 125, Firefox 126
improved fragment parsing
function Element.getHTML() added for Chrome/Edge
handling of Attachments is improved. Now we treat responses only haven and Content-Type header of application/octetstream in the same way as if the Content-Disposition header was set to attachment. This is was real browsers also do
prevent iframes from loading local resource for security reason (reading local file resources is still allowed if the enclosing document itself was loaded from file)
prevent XMLHttpRequest from loading local resource for security reason.
as usual a bunch of fixes
Please have a look at the full release notes for details about this release.
💕 Thank you to all who have contributed and to the sponsors (more sponsoring is welcome
Full Changelog: 4.1.0...4.2.0
HtmlUnit 4.1.0
This release is not compatible with 3.xx versions
Chrome/Edge 124, Firefox 125
some deprecations to prepare moving to HTTP/2
improved encoding support (based on improvements done for the neko html parser)
as usual some core-js fixes
Please have a look at the full release notes for details about this release.
💕 Thank you to all who have contributed and to the sponsors (more sponsoring is welcome
Full Changelog: 4.0.0...4.1.0