Stingray is a video reader with fluid customizable play speed. Designed for user-controlled display experience.
Read doc and install instructions at
Example configuration :
CPPFLAGS=-DDEBUG ./configure --enable-seamless --enable-dbus --enable-capacity=100 --enable-crossfade --disable-modules
gtest is vendored in vendor/gtest
. Rebuild before testing using the recommended cmake process.
test using make check
A Benchmark tool is also produced on make
. It can be used like :
benchmark target_video.mp4
With different encodings or to test code performance improvement.
Compiling with debug symbols is done like :
make clean
CPPFLAGS=-DDEBUG ./configure
Usefull doc :
use nvidia-smi
(package nvidia-smi) to get GPU usage "like top".
nvidia-smi dmon -i 0
Debian package nvidia-cuda-toolkit
will do for all CUDA install requirements.
Usefull packages :
apt-get install yasm nvidia-cuda-toolkit
Essentially, CUVID could provide the kind of function we need. However it's not nearly mature enough to provide a stable base.
If there is too much trouble with system-version, one can static-compile FFMPEG to be able to use latest hwaccel
Source : Generic Compile instructions : Could be made "more static" by using work on fully-static binary :
final configure : ./configure --disable-ffplay --extra-libs="-lpthread -lm" --pkg-config-flags="--static" --enable-static --enable-gpl --enable-vaapi --enable-libx264