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Hello SQLite!

This project includes a Node.js server script that uses a persistent SQLite database. The app also includes a front-end with two web pages that connect to the database using the server API. 📊

The home page presents the user with a poll where they can choose an option, then the page presents the results in a chart. The admin page displays the log of past choices and allows the user to clear it by supplying an admin key (you can set this up by following the steps in 🔒

Last updated: 14 August 2023


To get best use out of this project you'll ideally be familiar with JavaScript and have a little Node.js experience–check out Hello Node if you haven't already!

What's in this project? That’s this file, where you can tell people what your cool website does and how you built it.

package.json: The NPM packages for your project's dependencies.

.env: The environment is cleared when you initially remix the project, but you will add a new env variable value when you follow the steps in to set up an admin key.

Server and database

server.js: The Node.js server script for your new site. The JavaScript defines the endpoints in the site API. The API processes requests, connects to the database using the sqlite script in src, and sends info back to the client (the web pages that make up the app user interface, built using the Handlebars templates in src/pages).

/src/sqlite.js: The database script handles setting up and connecting to the SQLite database. The server.js API endpoints call the functions in the database script to manage the data.

/src/data.json: The data config file includes the database manager script–server.js reads the database property to import the correct script.

When the app runs, the scripts build the database:

.data/choices.db: Your database is created and placed in the .data folder, a hidden directory whose contents aren’t copied when a project is remixed. You can see the contents of .data in the console by selecting Tools > Logs.

User interface

public/style.css: The style rules that define the site appearance.

src/pages: The handlebars files that make up the site user interface. The API in server.js sends data to these templates to include in the HTML.

src/pages/index.hbs: The site homepage presents a form when the user first visits. When the visitor submits a preference through the form, the app calls the POST endpoint /, passing the user selection. The server.js endpoint updates the database and returns the user choices submitted so far, which the page presents in a chart (using Chart.js–you can see the code in the page head).

src/pages/admin.hbs: The admin page presents a table displaying the log of most recent picks. You can clear the list by setting up your admin key (see If the user attempts to clear the list without a valid key, the page will present the log again.

src/seo.json: When you're ready to share your new site or add a custom domain, change SEO/meta settings in here.

Try this next 🏗️

Take a look in for steps in setting up your admin key and adding to the site functionality.

💡 Want to use the server script as an API without using the front-end UI? No problem! Just send a query parameter ?raw=json with your requests to return JSON, like this (replace the first part of the URL to match your remix):

Check out Blank SQLite for a minimal demo of get, post, put, and delete methods.


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