This project contains a bot for Hisyëö servers. It can:
- translate latin script into Hisyëö writing systems
- locate and present details about specific Hisyëö words
- search, vote and propose kennings.
Read the Hîsyêô documentation for lessons and reference materials about this world language.
To get best use out of this project you'll ideally be familiar with JavaScript and have a little Node.js experience–check out Hello Node if you haven't already!
: That’s this file, where you can tell people what your cool bot does and how you built it.
← package.json
: The NPM packages for your project's dependencies.
← .env
: The environment is cleared when you initially remix the project, but you will add a new env variable value when you set up an admin key.
← app.js
contains the express server
← commands.js
contains the functions for each command
← middleware.js
contains the express logger
← register.js
is a script to register the api with Discord
← utils.js
is where all the real work happens