This repository contains source code for the search engine to find the members of the parliament in Sri Lanka. The Data was scraped from website. Beautifulsoup, which was a python module, was used for web scraping.
There are 8 fields and 100 records available. Below is an example of the data scraped from the above website.
- Name අරවින්ද් කුමාර්
- Date of Birth 1954-11-17
- Marital status විවාහක
- Religion හින්දු
- Party සමගි ජන බලවේගය
- District බදුල්ල
- Telephone 0777727472
- Email [email protected]
- Run elastic search cloud
- import details.csv
- scrapping.ipynb This contains the code for scrapping
- details.csv This is the file with details for the search
- ආගම : "බෞද්ධ"
- කොළඹ
- පක්ෂය : "ජාතික ජන බලවේගය" or පක්ෂය : "ශ්රී ලංකා නිදහස් පක්ෂය"
- දිස්ත්රික්කය : "ගම්පහ" and පක්ෂය : "ශ්රී ලංකා පොදුජන පෙරමුණ"