Dynamodb Session Store for Hexaville
Just add this repository url to your Package.swift
// swift-tools-version:3.1
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "MyHexavilleApp",
dependencies: [
.Package(url: "https://github.com/Hexaville/DynamodbSessionStore.git", majorVersion: 0, minor: 1)
If you didn't create the table before, You need to create it first. The instruction is following.
cd /path/to/YourApp
swift build
Available commands:
- create
- delete
- help Prints this help information
- version Prints the current version of this app
./.build/debug/DynamodbSessionStoreTableManager create table_name
You can specify following credential information in environment variables.
import Foundation
import HexavilleFramework
import DynamodbSessionStore
import SwiftAWSDynamodb
let app = HexavilleFramework()
let session = SessionMiddleware(
cookieAttribute: CookieAttribute(expiration: 3600, httpOnly: true, secure: false),
store: DynamodbSessionStore(
tableName: "my-app-session",
dynamodb: Dynamodb()
app.use { req, context in
context.session?["now"] = "\(Date())"
return .next(req)
let router = Router()
router.use(.get, "/") { req, context in
if let now = context.session?["now"] {
return Response(body: "current time is: \(now)")
} else {
return Response(body: "No session")
try app.run()