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⚠️ WARNING: This is a mostly stable prototype, but it is very much alpha!

⚠️ After every Steam OS update, make sure to run


⚠️ WARNING: If you quit Deckpad without pressing on the screen (or if it doesn't work on your device), it won't clean up and will prevent sleep and brightness changes!

  • The easiest way way to fix it is to run Deckpad again, and quit it by clicking on the target in the middle of the screen
  • Alternatively, you can restore the SteamDeck to its original state by running these 2 commands:
    sudo chmod 666 /sys/class/backlight/amdgpu_bl0/brightness
    sudo systemctl unmask >/dev/null 2>&1

What is Deckpad?

Deckpad allows you to use your SteamDeck as a gamepad on your Windows PC.

Once setup, all you have to do is to launch Deckpad, enter your password, and it will:

  • Connect automatically to your Windows PC and act as a gamepad
    • You can use all the Steam input config you already configured on the SteamDeck
  • Reduce the brightness to the minimum
    • Also prevents Steam from raising it while the app is running
  • Disable sleep mode while the app is running
  • Show the live battery percentage
Welcome Screen Running Screen

Setup Instructions

Update Instructions

cd ~/Deckpad/ && git pull

On Steam Deck

  1. Initialize Everything

    1. Set a sudo password: SteamDeckTips Tutorial

    2. Clone repo

      cd ~ && git clone
    3. Run ./

      This will:

      • Disable readonly mode on SteamOS
      • Initialize pacman
      • Install xorg-xinput and figlet
    4. Download: VirtualHere USB Server for Linux (x86_64)

    5. Put in ~/Deckpad/virtualhere/

    6. Make executable: chmod +x vhusbdx86_64

  2. Create the launcher for Deckpad

    1. Add a “fake” game to the steam library (shortcut will be updated, so the app doesn’t matter, pick whichever)

    2. Select “fake” game and click Properties

    3. Replace with these values

      Title Deckpad
      Target env
      Start "/home/deck/Deckpad" (don’t remove " symbols)
      Launch Opts -u LD_PRELOAD konsole --fullscreen -e ./
      • and this icon


  3. Enable touchscreen <- Do this in Game Mode
    Thank you Jeoshua for figuring this one out!

    1. Open the Deckpad launcher page
    2. Tap on the controler icon
    3. Click: Edit Layout
    4. Click: Action Sets
    5. Click the Gear icon next to Default
    6. Click: Add Always-On command
    7. Click: Add command (on the newly added 'Always On Command')
    8. Click: System (tab, at the top)
    9. Click: Touchscreen Native Support
    10. Back out until you're back on the Deckpad launcher page
  4. Launch Deckpad once, and you're all done for the SteamDeck side of things 🎉

On Windows Gaming PC

  1. Download VirtualHere Client for Windows (64-Bit Win10,Win11/Server 2016/2019/2022
  2. Place .exe at the root of C: drive
  3. Configure it
    1. Launch Deckpad on the Steam Deck
    2. Run vhui64.exe
    3. Steam Controller should show (it can take a bit before it shows)
    4. Right click on USB Hubs and select
      1. Start minimized
      2. Always On Top
      3. (can’t use Install Client as a Service, it requires the paid version)
    5. Right click on Steam Controller and select
      1. Auto-Use Device
  4. Place a shortcut of vhui64.exe in shell:startup


Use your SteamDeck as a wireless PC controller






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