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drop 'sat'; simplify code; added unit tests for contrast limits (argu…
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HelenaLC committed Nov 26, 2024
1 parent 683ea42 commit 97fd518
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Showing 5 changed files with 91 additions and 53 deletions.
63 changes: 44 additions & 19 deletions R/plotImage.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,11 +14,10 @@
#' the first channel(s) available); use \code{channels()} to see
#' which channels are available for a given \code{ImageArray}
#' @param c character vector; colors to use for each channel.
#' @param lim list of length-2 (non-negative) numeric vectors;
#' contrast limits for each channel - defaults to [0, 1] for all.
#' @param sat (non-negative) numeric vector;
#' saturation of each channel - defaults to 1 for all
#' (note: \code{sat=2} is equivalent to \code{lim=c(0, 0.5)})
#' @param cl list of length-2 numeric vectors (non-negative, increasing);
#' specifies channel-wise contrast limits - defaults to [0, 1] for all
#' (ignored when \code{image(x, i)} is an RGB image;
#' for convenience, any NULL = [0, 1], and n = [0, n]).
#' @return ggplot
Expand All @@ -40,27 +39,53 @@ NULL
#' @export
plotSpatialData <- \() ggplot() + scale_y_reverse() + .theme

.check_cl <- \(cl, d) {
if (is.null(cl)) {
# default to [0, 1] for all channels
cl <- replicate(d, c(0, 1), FALSE)
} else {
# should be a list with as many elements as channels
if (!is.list(cl)) stop("'cl' should be a list")
if (length(cl) != d) stop("'cl' should be of length ", d)
for (. in seq_len(d)) {
# replace NULL by [0, 1] & n by [0, n]
if (is.null(cl[[.]])) cl[[.]] <- c(0, 1)
if (length(cl[[.]]) == 1) {
if (cl[[.]] < 0) stop("scalar 'cl' can't be < 0")
cl[[.]] <- c(0, cl[[.]])
# elements should be length-2, numeric, non-negative, increasing
.f <- \(.) length(.) == 2 && is.numeric(.) && all(. >= 0) && .[2] > .[1]
if (!all(vapply(cl, .f, logical(1))))
stop("elements of 'cl' should be length-2,",
" non-negative, increasing numeric vectors")

# merge/manage image channels
# if no colors and channels defined, return the first channel
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb
#' @noRd
.manage_channels <- \(a, ch, c=NULL, lim=NULL, sat=NULL) {
if (is.null(lim)) lim <- replicate(dim(a)[1], c(0, 1), FALSE)
if (is.null(sat)) sat <- rep(1, dim(a)[1])
.chs2rgb <- \(a, ch, c=NULL, cl=NULL) {
cl <- .check_cl(cl, d <- dim(a)[1])
if (length(ch) > (n <- length(.DEFAULT_COLORS)) && is.null(c))
stop("Only ", n, " default colors available, but",
length(ch), " are needed; please specify 'c'")
if (!is.null(c) || (is.null(c) && length(ch) > 1)) {
if (is.null(c)) c <- .DEFAULT_COLORS[seq_along(ch)]
c <- col2rgb(c)/255
b <- array(0, dim=c(3, dim(a)[-1]))
for (i in seq_len(dim(a)[1])) {
b[1,,] <- b[1,,,drop=FALSE] + a[i,,,drop=FALSE]*c[1,i]*(1/lim[[i]][2])*sat[i]
b[2,,] <- b[2,,,drop=FALSE] + a[i,,,drop=FALSE]*c[2,i]*(1/lim[[i]][2])*sat[i]
b[3,,] <- b[3,,,drop=FALSE] + a[i,,,drop=FALSE]*c[3,i]*(1/lim[[i]][2])*sat[i]
b[1,,][b[1,,] < lim[[i]][1]] <- 0
b[2,,][b[2,,] < lim[[i]][1]] <- 0
b[3,,][b[3,,] < lim[[i]][1]] <- 0
for (i in seq_len(d)) {
for (j in seq_len(3)) {
rgb <- a[i,,,drop=FALSE]*c[j,i]
# apply upper contrast lim.
rgb <- rgb*(1/cl[[i]][2])
b[j,,] <- b[j,,,drop=FALSE] + rgb
# apply lower contrast lim.
b[j,,][b[j,,] < cl[[i]][1]] <- 0
a <- pmin(b, 1)
} else {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,7 +167,7 @@ plotSpatialData <- \() ggplot() + scale_y_reverse() + .theme
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom grDevices rgb
#' @importFrom DelayedArray realize
.df_i <- \(x, k=NULL, ch=NULL, c=NULL, lim=NULL, sat=NULL) {
.df_i <- \(x, k=NULL, ch=NULL, c=NULL, cl=NULL) {
a <- .get_plot_data(x, k)
ch_i <- .ch_idx(x, ch)
if (!.is_rgb(x))
Expand All @@ -151,7 +176,7 @@ plotSpatialData <- \() ggplot() + scale_y_reverse() + .theme
a <- realize(as(a, "DelayedArray"))
a <- .normalize_image_array(a, dt)
if (!.is_rgb(x))
a <- .manage_channels(a, ch_i, c, lim, sat)
a <- .chs2rgb(a, ch_i, c, cl)
apply(a, c(2, 3), \(.), as.list(.)))

Expand All @@ -173,13 +198,13 @@ plotSpatialData <- \() ggplot() + scale_y_reverse() + .theme

#' @rdname plotImage
#' @export
setMethod("plotImage", "SpatialData", \(x, i=1, j=1, k=NULL, ch=NULL, c=NULL, lim=NULL, sat=NULL) {
setMethod("plotImage", "SpatialData", \(x, i=1, j=1, k=NULL, ch=NULL, c=NULL, cl=NULL) {
if (is.numeric(i))
i <- imageNames(x)[i]
y <- image(x, i)
if (is.numeric(j))
j <- CTname(y)[j]
df <- .df_i(y, k, ch, c, lim, sat)
df <- .df_i(y, k, ch, c, cl)
wh <- .get_wh(x, i, j)
.gg_i(df, wh$w, wh$h)
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions inst/NEWS
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
changes in version 0.99.2

- in 'plotImage', added support to visualize channels of choice, as well as
'lim' and 'sat' to control constrast limits and saturation, repsectively
- in 'plotImage', added support to visualize channels of choice,
as well as 'cl' argument to control constrast limits
- updated vignette to include corresponding examples

changes in version 0.99.1
Expand Down
21 changes: 5 additions & 16 deletions man/plotImage.Rd

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions tests/testthat/test-plotImage.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,3 +28,32 @@ test_that(".ch_idx()", {
test_that(".normalize_image_array", {

test_that(".check_cl", {
# valid
n <- sample(seq(3, 9), 1)
v <- replicate(n, sort(runif(2)), FALSE)
expect_identical(.check_cl(v, n), v)
# single NULL
n <- sample(seq(3, 9), 1)
l <- .check_cl(NULL, n)
expect_is(l, "list")
expect_identical(l, replicate(n, c(0, 1), FALSE))
# one NULL, rest scalar
n <- sample(seq(3, 9), 1)
i <- sample(n, 1)
. <- replicate(n, NULL, FALSE)
.[[i]] <- v <- c(0.2, 0.8)
l <- .check_cl(., n)
expect_is(l, "list")
expect_identical(l[[i]], v)
expect_identical(l[-i], replicate(n-1, c(0, 1), FALSE))
# invalid
expect_error(.check_cl(c(0.2, 0.4, 0.6), 3)) # non-list
expect_error(.check_cl(as.list(seq_len(4)), 3)) # wrong length
expect_error(.check_cl(list(NULL, NULL, c(-1, 1)), 3)) # negative entry
expect_error(.check_cl(as.list(letters[seq_len(3)]), 3)) # non-numeric
expect_error(.check_cl(list(NULL, NULL, c(1, 0)), 3)) # decreasing
expect_error(.check_cl(list(NULL, NULL, -1), 3)) # negative scalar
expect_error(.check_cl(list(NULL, NULL, 0), 3)) # zero scalar
27 changes: 11 additions & 16 deletions vignettes/SpatialData.plot.Rmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -276,32 +276,27 @@ pa <- unzip_spd_demo(
x <- readSpatialData(pa, anndataR=FALSE)

Plotting with multiple image channels.
### channels

```{r steinbock-plot}
```{r steinbock-ch}
plotSpatialData() + plotImage(x,
ch=c(6, 22, 39),
c=c("blue", "cyan", "yellow"))

### aesthetics
### contrasts

```{r saturation, fig.width=9, fig.height=3}
p <- plotSpatialData()
```{r steinbock-cl, fig.width=9, fig.height=3}
i <- image(x, "Patient3_003_image")
image(x, "crop") <- i[, 200:400, 200:400]
lapply(c(1, 0.7, 0.4), \(.) {
p + plotImage(x, "crop", sat=c(1.4, 1.2, .),
ch=c(6, 22, 39), c=c("blue", "cyan", "yellow"))
}) |> wrap_plots(nrow=1)

```{r contrasts, fig.width=9, fig.height=3}
lapply(list(c(0, 1), c(0.2, 1), c(0, 0.8)), \(.) {
p + plotImage(x, "crop",
lim=list(c(0, 1), c(0, 1), .),
ch=c(6, 22, 39), c=c("blue", "cyan", "yellow"))
lapply(list(c(0.2, 1), c(0, 0.8), c(0, 1.2)), \(.) {
plotSpatialData() + plotImage(x,
ch=c(6, 22, 39),
cl=list(1, 1, .),
c=c("blue", "cyan", "yellow")) +
ggtitle(sprintf("[%s, %s]", .[1], .[2]))
}) |> wrap_plots(nrow=1)

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