This repository implements two algorithms for image reconstruction using a Gaussian denoiser in TensorFlow 2.
- DMSP: S. A. Bigdeli, P. Favaro, M. Jin, and M. Zwicker, “Deep Mean-Shift Priors for Image Restoration,” in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 30, 2017, pp. 763–772.
- HQS: K. Zhang, Y. Li, W. Zuo, L. Zhang, L. Van Gool, and R. Timofte, “Plug-and-Play Image Restoration with Deep Denoiser Prior,” IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., pp. 1–1, 2021
Install using pip
$ pip install git+
See the example notebooks for usage examples.
DMSP Implementations (significantly slower):
- Matlab: (only deblur)
- TensorFlow 1: (only deblur)
- TensorFlow 2: (deblur and sr (but not bicubic))