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Halim edited this page Jul 9, 2023 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the Mavreas-Engine wiki!

Loading Textures:

  • PNG and JPG files are supported but not recommended. You should always convert your image files to KTX.
  • Loading HDR files directly is not supported. You can only load them by converting to KTX files.

Converting files to KTX

  • For converting normal 2D textures you can use the toktx tool provided with KTX-Software
  • For converting HDR files to cubemaps you can use cmft with this command line: cmft --input "HDR_FILE.hdr" --filter none --outputNum 1 --output0 "hdr_file_hdr16f_cube" --output0params ktx,rgba16f,cubemap --generateMipChain true --dstFaceSize 512
  • Or for both purposes you can use NVIDIA Texture Tools Exporter

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