A code exercise looking at a PrestoQ API
A single UICollectionViewController displaying a list of Manager Specials.
Xcode 10.1 (or later)
Swift 4.2
Internet connection that can reach PrestoQ endpoint
- checkout repository
- run in Xcode
Unit tests exist for a single class, in a delivery environment more classes should be tested more thouroughly
* Calls PrestoQ API for data (and on each data item for it's image)
* Uses a UICollectionViewController to display data
* MIT licence
* Has Unit tests to cover ManagerSpecial class (should cover all classes)
* Accessabity traits altered slightly to give the user a better notion of the purpose of each field.
* The "Cell Width" data downloaded is respected for layout purposes. This results in some unusable cells. A realimplementation would handle this case.
* Drop shadows and rounded rects for cells (there is a bug on the drop shadow that makes it rectangular)
* Uses currency formatter with the current locale so that if you change region, the currency symbol is appropriate (unit tests will fail)
* Added a particle effect overlaid above the product image
* If cell is not right type handling
* Localization
* Todo audit
* pull to refresh
* refresh poll?
* Spinner durring data load (initial and product images)
* Error communication to the user
* Better Icon and Splash Screen
* Refine sparkle effect