This code is provided as a supplement to 2111.10359. It is provided with no guarantee or warranty.
This repository contains data files provided by the MicroBooNE collaboration in their data releases:
- inclusive (Wire-Cell) data release
- CCQE (Deep Learning) data release
Also used are the files in the 2018 MiniBooNE data release
All other data files are obtained by digitizing plots available in the corresponding papers.
@article{Arguelles:2021meu, author = {Arg\"uelles, C. A. and Esteban, I. and Hostert, M. and Kelly, K. J. and Kopp, J. and Machado, P. A. N. and Martinez-Soler, I. and Perez-Gonzalez, Y. F.}, title = "{MicroBooNE and the $\nu_e$ Interpretation of the MiniBooNE Low-Energy Excess}", eprint = "2111.10359", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "hep-ph", reportNumber = "CERN-TH-2021-195, FERMILAB-PUB-21-618-T, IPPP/21/50, FTPI-MINN-21-23", month = "11", year = "2021" }