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This branch is 55 commits behind framework-one/cfmljure:master.

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To use cfmljure, you need the Clojure libraries. I think the easiest way to do that is with Leiningen, the Clojure build tool.

Note: cfmljure.cfc requires Adobe ColdFusion 9.0.1 or Railo 3.2.2

Installation with Leiningen

Install the lein script from (download the lein script, make it executable, run lein self-install to complete the installation).

In each of the projects, clj/cfml and clj/tasks, run the cfmljure tests:

lein clean, deps, test

You should see (with a different file path, I expect):

Cleaning up.
Copying 2 files to /Developer/tomcat-ws/lib/clj/cfml/lib
Testing cfml.test.examples
Ran 7 tests containing 7 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.

Now you can copy the two Clojure JARs from the clj/cfml/lib/ folder to your server's classpath. In your WEB-INF folder, create a classes folder and copy clj/cfml and clj/task to that classes folder. Restart your CFML engine. Now go hit the cfmljure index.cfm file in your browser!

Installation without Leiningen

If you really don't want to mess with Leiningen, you can install Clojure manually. However, without Leiningen you're not going to be able to run the tests and build JAR files etc so I strongly recommend the first installation approach above.

Download the Clojure libraries from here:

Download both Clojure and Clojure Contrib and unzip them. Copy clojure.jar (from the and clojure-contrib-1.2.0.jar (from the target subfolder of to your classpath. I put them in {tomcat}/lib - and restart your CFML engine. You can ignore the rest of those ZIP files.

Copy the clj/ folder contents from the cfmljure project to your server's WEB-INF/classes folder (or create a symbolic link) and restart your CFML engine. Now go hit the cfmljure index.cfm file in your browser!

Your Clojure Code

Your Clojure code also needs to be on your classpath.

Understanding cfmljure.cfc

The API is pretty simple but there are some things about Clojure code organization which you might find non-intuitive.

Basic (Low-Level) Usage

There are two examples supplied with cfmljure: a basic example which uses the low-level APIs to show how you can work with Clojure inside a single page or component as an isolated usage. The APIs used in that example is explored first so that you understand some of the basics of Clojure projects, files, namespaces and functions.

The advanced / automated example is explored below.

Loading the Clojure runtime (RT)

The first thing you need to do is create an instance of cfmljure.cfc which loads the Clojure runtime system:

clj = new cfmljure();

Clojure Script Files

The convention is that the relative path name of your Clojure script should match the namespace it declares - just like Java, and just like the dotted-path you're already used to in CFML. In the cfml/ project folder, under the src/cfml/ folder, we have examples.clj and it declares that it's contents live in the cfml.examples namespace. Namespaces are used for packaging code and importing functions between files.

You load Clojure files into the runtime with the load() method which takes a list of script names, root-relative to the project folder. If you have subfolders, you can just put the paths in the list:

clj.load( '/main,/account/info,/acccount/admin' )

This will load /main.clj, /account/info.clj and /account/admin.clj.

This makes it easy to work with Leiningen projects as well as ad hoc code organization.

Clojure Functions

Once your scripts are loaded, you can get direct references to them by calling the get() method which takes a string specifying the namespace qualified name of the function. In the example index.cfm, you'll see:

greet = clj.get( 'cfml.examples.greet' );
map = clj.get( '' );

The first line gets a reference to the greet function from the cfml.examples namespace. The second line gets a reference to the built-in map function from the clojure.core namespace.

Calling Clojure (via function references)

You use the _call() method to invoke Clojure functions and you pass positional arguments. Currently, up to five arguments are supported. See the next section for a cleaner way to call functions in namespaces.

Clojure Namespaces

As indicated under Clojure Functions above, functions live in namespaces and whilst you can get direct references to individual functions and call them, it may actually be easier to get references to the namespaces themselves so that can call functions directly (well, actually via the magic of onMissingMethod()). You can get a reference to a namespace like this:

cfml.examples = clj.ns( 'cfml.examples' );
clojure.core = clj.ns( 'clojure.core' );

You don't have to store the namespace references into variables that match the same structure but it makes for clearer CFML code in my opinion.

Note: these aren't really references to the Clojure namespaces - they are new instances of the cfmljure.cfc initialized with the namespace so that method calls via onMissingMethod() can work!

Calling Clojure (via namespace references)

Once you have a namespace reference, you can call any function in that namespace directly. Behind the scenes, onMissingMethod() delegates the call to the call() API but it lets you do things like:

list = cfml.examples.twice( [ 1, 2, 3 ] );

Note: that means you can't call certain functions using this approach. Any function name that matches an API method in cfmljure.cfc cannot be called via a namespace reference (because onMissingMethod() is not called in that situation). Those function names are: _call, _get, _init, _install, _load, _ns (and a few special methods that I wouldn't expect to collide with Clojure functions: _, _def, _makePath and onMissingMethod).

Advanced (Integrated) Usage

There's one API method we haven't discussed so far: install()

After reading all the low-level API usage, you're probably wondering if there's an easier way to use Clojure from CFML without having to call all of the low-level API and the answer is... of course!

The third example in the basic index.cfm shows how cfmljure allows you to write a simple configuration structure and then install Clojure into a designated scope or struct. The advanced Application.cfc takes this a little further by taking a simple configuration structure like this:

namespaces = 'cfml.examples, clojure.core';

and via the install() method it creates the necessary instance(s) of cfmljure.cfc and places that into a target scope (or struct) along with creating structured variables that match the specified namespaces.

Given the above list of namespaces, the install() API creates an instance of cfmljure.cfc for the 'cfml' project, loads the 'cfml/examples' script (i.e., '/cfml/examples.clj') and creates variables cfml.examples and clojure.core in the target scope (or struct). In addition clj is added to that scope (or struct) holding the configured instance of cfmljure.cfc. The advanced example uses the Application.cfc variables scope as the target so all pages in the application can access the namespaces and call functions in an idiomatic way:

list = cfml.examples.twice( [ 1, 2, 3 ] );

Namespaces and Files

The install() API loads files based on their namespace, automatically ignoring clojure.* namespaces. In the supplied example, that means it loads 'cfml/examples' (i.e., /cfml/examples.clj).

Original Clojure Function Or Variable References

You'll need this when you want to pass a Clojure function to another Clojure function, such as the map() examplea that passes a reference to times2 into the call, or you want to manipulate an entity declared as a variable in Clojure, such as the cfml.examples.x examples.

If you used get() to obtain a reference to a Clojure function or variable, you can get the underlying raw Clojure function or variable via the ._() API. Calling reference._() will return the underlying Clojure entity.

If you have a reference to a namespace, you also can get an underlying Clojure entity by name via the _() API or _name() implicit function. Calling namespace._( name ) or namespace._name() is identical to calling namespace.get( name )._() so this is the more convenient API when you're working with namespaces or an installed Clojure configuration.


A way to dynamically call Clojure from CFML






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