This is a copy of Hammad's dotfiles. Running home/
creates new symlinks in the $HOME
folder for all files and folders in /home
. Files and folders that you wish to symlink must start with a .
cd ~
git clone
cd dotFiles
is run, you'll see output that looks like:
-e ~/.inputrc does not exist. Symlinking to dotfile.
-e ~/.irbrc is symlinked to your dotfiles.
-e ~/.tmux-mac.conf is symlinked to your dotfiles.
Mac Requirement:
brew install tmux
brew install reattach-to-user-namespace # needed for Tmux
# Dependency for AG
brew install the_silver_searcher
# Fuzzy search for vim
brew install fzf
Mac nice-to-haves:
1. Install Terminal themes in dotfiles/themes
2. Install Fonts from dotfiles/fonts
Vim installation:
Vscode installation:
1. Copy vscode/public-keybindings.json
2. Copy vscode/public-user-settings.json
Mac settings:
* Key repeat rate: fastest
* Delay until repeat: Slowest
* Modifer: Capslock -> No action
* Automator: Cmd + shift + 1 -> GPT
* Automator: Cmd + shift + 2 -> Code Editor
* Automator: Cmd + shift + 3 -> Notes
* Disable default Cmd + shift + 3 -> screenshot shortcut
* option + space -> Iterm
Font installation for powerline:
You need to get fonts modified for powerline. Ones that are compatible with
1. git clone
2. Install all fonts.
3. Configure your Terminal or iTerm2 to use the installed Powerline font. iTerm2 -> Preferences -> Profiles -> Text