Churn rate is the percentage of subscribers to a service that discontinue their subscription to that service in a given time period. It is a possible indicator of customer dissatisfaction, cheaper and/or better offers from the competition, more successful sales and/or marketing by the competition, or reasons having to do with the customer life cycle. In this project, we will use the data from a telecom company to predict the churn rate of its customers.
- The data is from Kaggle:
- The data includes 36992 rows, 21 columns, and 1 target variable. The target variable is
, which is a categorical variable with 5 levels. The other 20 columns are features, including 3 numerical variables and 17 categorical variables. - The data is imbalanced. The churn rate is 4.2%.
- There are 3 numerical variables and 17 categorical variables. The missing values are filled with the mode of the categorical variables and the mean of the numerical variables.
- The outliers are removed by using the Robust Scaler.
- The imbalanced data is handled by using the SMOTE method.
- The feature engineering includes:
- Feature extraction
- Encoding the categorical variables
- Feature selection
- Feature scaling
- The models used in this project are:
- Decision Tree
- Random Forest
- XGBoost
- CatBoost
- The model selection is based on the recall score.
The evaluation metrics are: - Accuracy - Precision - Recall - F1 score - Confusion Matrix
- The hyperparameter are tuned by using the GridSearchCV method.