A matrix bot for controlling a mpd music stream
You need:
- A working MPD Setup
- MPC installed
- A http stream
- A folder that this script can write and read to for music files.
- Auto update turned on in mpd
The current command selection is listed below:
play - Play if the stream has stopped
prev - Go to the previous track
next - Go to the next track
current - Current track name
help - List avaliable commands
[youtube url] - Give a youtube url to queue it
stream url - What is the stream url?
update - Refresh the library if the mpd fails to find a uploaded track.
The configuration is stored in ~/.config/mpddj.ini
The default config is listed below:
host = localhost
port = 6600
streamurl = http://localhost:8000
host = https://localhost:8448
user = username
pass = password
rooms = #RoomA,#RoomB:localhost,#RoomC