Version 2.1 tweets booster vaccine rates and their differential to the previous tweet.
Version 2.0: Instead of using a local file to save previous data the bot checks the latest tweet on his timeline and compares it to the createdTweet to ensure it's always up to date.
By not depending on a local file the script is deployable on Pipedream. Pipedream is able to run the script remotely, checking several times a day to ensure it always tweets the newest Impfdashboard as soon as possible, even on weekends.
This is the script for the account @impfupdate on Twitter, tweeting German vaccination updates with an ASCII-art style loading bar, inspired by @impf_progess.
I wanted to replicate @impf_progress as a personal project which is originally written python, in JavaScript. Logic was partly the same in the beginning but has changed as this project developed.
▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░ 70,0% at least one dosis +0.0%
▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░ 67,5% fully vaccinated +0.1%
▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 03,3% boostered +0.3%
- Create an app at the Twitter Developer site and create app tokens and keys
- Set Twit config with consumer and access token/keys
- Install the Twit, CSV and axios as dependencies
#Initialize node_modules
npm init
# Install dependencies
npm i
The script can now be called like this:
node index.js
New cronjob deployed on Pipedream
0 11-18 * * *
The script uses germany_vaccinations_timeseries_v2.tsv from
Quelle:, RKI, BMG.