A piece of code that will automatically format a uitextfield with a numberpad to behave like an ATM
Here's an example
Create a property for the formatter
@property (nonatomic, retain) HMFCurrencyFormatter *priceFormatter;In the viewDidLoad make sure to initalize
self.priceFormatter = [[HMFCurrencyFormatter alloc] init];Wherever you setup your textfield set the priceFormatter as the delegate
myTextField.delegate = self.priceFormatter;To automatically add the "+/-" button to the numberpad (iphone only) call this method.
[self.priceFormatter startWatchingForKeyboardFromTextField:myTextField];(optional) if you want to handle the delegation yourself you can do this also.
- (BOOL)textField:(UITextField *)textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range replacementString:(NSString *)string { textField.text = [HMFCurrencyFormatter formatTextField:textField withReplacementString:string] return NO; }If you have a textfield in a UIAlertView be sure to call "startWatchingFor..." everytime you show the alert.
You're done!