#Punch Me If You Can
Interactive animation software
- a photo being displayed on the screen.
- the user stands in front of the screen and punch, the photo image being distorted and manipulated
- the user can also hold different devices and punch (we have implemented Android, iPhone, WiiRemote clients)
Punch Me Server (ruby event machine on thin) listens for TCP packet and send out PUNCH message to web page thru Web Socket (faye). Project Page
- when the system receives a PUNCH message, image shakes
- when the system receives a PUNCH message, colourful firework displayed
- when the system receives a PUNCH message, image is broken into pieces
- when the system receives a PUNCH message, damage is accumulated and display as HP bar
- client devices can submit new photo thru TCP and replace the default one
- Kinect (OpenNI and NITE), Android, iPhone, WiiRemote (wiigee and bluecove)
- Detect PUSH and SWIPE gesture
- sends out PUNCH TCP messages to server
Follow the steps in the Usage and Install setcion:
append --devel for all the brew install command
If the brew install sensor-kinect fails,
download the binary
compile and install
sudo ./install.sh
link the niReg
you should see the following error when you manually compile and install sensor-kinect:
registering module 'libXnDeviceSensorV2KM.dylib' with OpenNI..../install.sh: line 111: /usr/bin/niReg: No such file or directory
link the command line niReg so that the manual install can run:
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/niReg /usr/bin/niReg
The main reason for doing this is because the niReg is setup when you brew install openni, so the path that the install.sh (of sensor-kinect) expecting does not match.
After installing everything, run the sample in:
/usr/local/Cellar/openni/unstable- ./Sample-NiSimpleViewer