Source code based on the work presented in Yanagi: Fast and interpretable segment-based alternative splicing and gene expression analysis (
Update Nov 18th, 2019: Some major changes are pushed to improve the usability of the pipeline. And introduced the use of Yanagi-count as the preferred alignment tool based on RapMap's quasi mapping to provide segment counts.
Analysis of differential alternative splicing from RNA-seq data is complicated by the fact that many RNA-seq reads map to multiple transcripts, and that annotated transcripts from a given gene are often a small subset of many possible complete transcripts for that gene. Here we describe Yanagi, a tool which segments a transcriptome into disjoint regions to create a segments library from a complete transcriptome annotation that preserves all of its consecutive regions of a given length L while distinguishing annotated alternative splicing events in the transcriptome. In this paper, we formalize this concept of transcriptome segmentation and propose an efficient algorithm for generating segment libraries based on a length parameter dependent on specific RNA-Seq library construction. The resulting segment sequences can be used with pseudo-alignment tools to quantify expression at the segment level. We characterize the segment libraries for the reference transcriptomes of Drosophila melanogaster and Homo sapiens. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of quantification using a segment library based on an analysis of differential exon skipping in Drosophila melanogaster and Homo sapiens. The notion of transcript segmentation as introduced here and implemented in Yanagi will open the door for the application of lightweight, ultra-fast pseudo-alignment algorithms in a wide variety of analyses of transcription variation.
Yanagi has been developed and tested in Python 3.7 and R 3.5. Yanagi uses the following modules:
- tqdm
R (Bioconductor):
- GenomicFeatures
- Biostrings
Download yanagi by cloning the repository through the Clone or download
button on the top right of this page. Or by running the clone command in git. Then change directory into the created directory where yanagi source is downloaded.
git clone
cd yanagi
Yanagi works with a command/subcommand structure: subcommand options
where the subcommand can be one of these options:
- preprocess : Preprocesses transcriptome annotation by breaking exons into disjoint exonic bins and find their transcript mapping.
- segment : Generates a set of maximal L-disjoint segments from the preprocessed transcriptome annotation.
- align : Pseudo aligns reads (single or paired-end) into the segments and obtain segment counts (single segment or segment pair counts).
- psiCalc : Calculates PSI values of alternative splicing events based on their segment mappings.
Note: This tutorial assumes that all commands are excuted from inside the directory where yanagi is downloaded (refer to the previous Download section).
Exons (and retained introns) in the transcriptome annotation can be overlapping within a gene (e.g. in 3'/5' splicing) or across genes. In order for Yanagi to guaranteeing L-disjointness property of the generated segments, a preprocessing step is needed to generate disjoint exonic bins. Yanagi generate disjoint exonic bins and their transcripts mappings from an input annotation file (GTF format) and the genome sequence file (FASTA format). (Note that the .fa file should contain the genome sequence file not the transcripts sequences.)
To preprocess the transcriptome annotation subject to segmentation one has to run the following command in the following format:
python preprocess -gtf <gtf-file> -fa <fasta-file> -o <work-directory>
Note that throughout this tutorial, we will use the same directory as the working directory when needed in different commands.
The preprocess operation outputs two main files:
- disjoint_bins.tsv: A file with the structural and sequence information of each constructed disjoint exonic bin.
chr start end strand seq
1 1 11869 11871 + GTT
2 1 11872 11873 + AA
- txs2bins.tsv: A file with transcripts-to-bins information.
chr geneID txID bins strand
1 1 ENSG00000223972 ENST00000456328 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 +
2 1 ENSG00000223972 ENST00000515242 2,3,4,5,6,8,9,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19 +
3 1 ENSG00000223972 ENST00000518655 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,14,15,17,18 +
Another output file exons2bins.tsv
is generated from that step. That extra file contains a mapping between the exons/introns annotated in the .gtf file and the disjoint exonic bins (reported in disjoint_bins.tsv file) that are used as the building blocks for the splice graph used inside of yanagi.
If the downstream analysis involves studying alternative splicing events present in the transcriptome. Then this step is needed to prepared the annotation of those events (Skip this step otherwise). Yanagi uses the same events definition and code used in SUPPA(eventGenerator command).
To generate the list of events given the GTF (unzipped) of the transcriptome one can run that command:
python -i <gtf-file> -o <output-directory-and-prefix> -f ioe -e <list-of-event-types-space-separated>
List of options available:
-e | --event-type: (only used for local AS events) space separated list of events to generate from the following list:
- SE: Skipping exon (SE)
- SS: Alternative 5' (A5) or 3' (A3) splice sites (generates both)
- MX: Mutually Exclusive (MX) exons
- RI: Retained intron (RI)
- FL: Alternative First (AF) and Last (AL) exons (generates both)
Note that a description of each event type and definition can be found on SUPPA's page.
The command generates a separate .ioe file of the list of events of each event type provided in the event-type option.
The shell script
can be edited for use to merge the separate .ioe files into one file, or to filter out events outside of the primary transcriptome assembly.
This command executes the main operation preparing the segments library by Yanagi, to be used later for RNA-seq reads alignment. Yanagi takes the preprocessed transcriptome as input to build segments graph, which is then parsed to generate minimal L-disjoint segments.
Fig 1. The figure shows an illustrative example of transcriptome segmentation of one gene with three transcripts. The example shows the final segments generated by yanagi and how reads are aligned to them.
To segment the transcriptome one has to run the following command in the following format:
python segment -l <read-length> -wd <work-directory>
List of options available:
-l | --max-overlap: This (integer) parameter value controls the maximum overlap between any two (L-disjoint) generated segments. A typical choice of l would equal to the expected read length. Refer to Yanagi's paper for more details on L-disjointness.
-wd | --work-dir: This is the work directory where the preprocessed annotation files exist (same output directory used in the preprocess subcommand). This directory must have two files
. -
-o | --output-name: (Optional) This is a name prefix used to name output files. If not provided, the default output files are named in the format
. -
-ioe| --events-annotation: (Optional) This is a list of .ioe files annotating alternative splicing events present in the corresponding transcriptome. Used if downstream analysis is needed on alternative splicing events. More details in
Segment-Based PSI Calculation section
The segmentation operation outputs three files:
: A FASTA file of the segments library representing the transcriptome.
: A file of metadata describing the structure of each segment and how it was formed.
segID chrom geneID txAnnIDs binIDs st end strand
SEG0000001 10 ENSG00000012779 ENST00000542434 57010,57011 45869661 45869774 +
SEG0000002 10 ENSG00000012779 ENST00000374391,ENST00000542434 57011,57012,57013,57014,57015,57016,57017 45869675 45920450 +
SEG0000003 10 ENSG00000012779 ENST00000374391,ENST00000483623,ENST00000542434 57016,57017 45919539 45920580 +
SEG0000004 10 ENSG00000012779 ENST00000483623 57017,57018 45920481 45923934 +
: A GTF file describing both exonic bins and segments. This file is intended for visualization of segments. Check Section Visualization.
This GTF contains entries of two possible feature type (column 3): exonic_bin
or segment
. Each exonic bin or segment has only one entry in the file. Entries that describe lists (like transcripts for exonic bins, or bins for segments) are placed as lists separated by '+'.
- Exonic_bin feature examples:
1 hg19_segs101 exonic_bin 11869 11871 . + . gene_id "ENSG00000223972"; entry_id "1"; transcripts "ENST00000456328";
1 hg19_segs101 exonic_bin 11872 11873 . + . gene_id "ENSG00000223972"; entry_id "2"; transcripts "ENST00000456328+ENST00000515242";
1 hg19_segs101 exonic_bin 11874 12009 . + . gene_id "ENSG00000223972"; entry_id "3"; transcripts "ENST00000456328+ENST00000515242+ENST00000518655";
1 hg19_segs101 exonic_bin 12010 12057 . + . gene_id "ENSG00000223972"; entry_id "4"; transcripts "ENST00000450305+ENST00000456328+ENST00000515242+ENST00000518655";
- Segment feature examples:
10 hg19_segs101 segment 45869661 45869774 . + . gene_id "ENSG00000012779"; entry_id "SEG0000001"; exonic_bin_ids "57010+57011"; transcripts "ENST00000542434";
10 hg19_segs101 segment 45869675 45920450 . + . gene_id "ENSG00000012779"; entry_id "SEG0000002"; exonic_bin_ids "57011+57012+57013+57014+57015+57016+57017"; transcripts "ENST00000374391+ENST00000542434";
10 hg19_segs101 segment 45919539 45920580 . + . gene_id "ENSG00000012779"; entry_id "SEG0000003"; exonic_bin_ids "57016+57017"; transcripts "ENST00000374391+ENST00000483623+ENST00000542434";
10 hg19_segs101 segment 45920481 45923934 . + . gene_id "ENSG00000012779"; entry_id "SEG0000004"; exonic_bin_ids "57017+57018"; transcripts "ENST00000483623";
P.S. Section Ready-to-Download Segments Libraries
provides pre-prepared segment libraries of some commonly used genomes.
Since the update on Nov 2019, we strongly recommend to use Yanagi-count as an alignment tool with segments support for better usability and support of yanagi's segments. Otherwise, use the following subcommand in yanagi to use any other transcriptome aligner as long as it reports output in SAM format.
This command runs a given alignment command to align RNA-seq reads into the segments library as a reference. The main use of this command is to facilitate aligning paired-end reads to obtain segment-pair counts.
In this tutorial, we assume the use of RapMap ( to perform pseudo-alignment. However, other alignment tools can be used and the following commands are to be adjusted accordingly. Note! The indexing step is done separately from yanagi's pipeline. As an example, to index the segments library using RapMap, follow this command format:
PATH/TO/RAPMAP quasiindex -t PATH/TO/segments.fa -i quasiindex/output/directory
Once the aligner's index is ready, one can run the alignment step using Yanagi's following command:
python align -ref <segments-meta> -o <output-filename> -cmd1 'PATH/TO/RAPMAP quasimap -i quasiindex/output/directory -r PATH/TO/FIRST_READS.fa' -cmd2 'PATH/TO/RAPMAP quasimap -i quasiindex/output/directory -r PATH/TO/SECOND_READS.fa'
Alternatively, use the provided shell script
by first editing the variables used in it, and choosing the right command for single or paired-end modes.
List of options available:
-ref | --segs-ref-file: Specifies the segments reference metadata file (.fa.meta file generated by segment subcommand) to align reads against. Note that its corresponding FASTA file has to be indexed by the used aligner a priori.
-o | --output-name: This is a name of the output segment count file.
-cmd1| --align-command1: This is the command used to run Rapmap's quasi mapping for the reads FASTA file <PATH/TO/FIRST_READS.fa> using segments indexed at <quasiindex/output/directory>.
-cmd2| --align-command2: (Optional) For the second-end reads (if paired-end reads).
The segmentation operation outputs three files:
.txt: A text (TSV file) contains segments counts (or segment-pairs counts if paired-end).
- Segments counts output example (Single-end reads):
segID count geneID segLen segStLoc
SEG0232653 7 ENSG00000000457 510 169822815
SEG0232655 11 ENSG00000000457 1039 169824007
SEG0232667 3 ENSG00000000460 1105 169631245
SEG0232671 12 ENSG00000000460 166 169764190
- Segment-Pair counts output example (Paired-end reads):
seg1ID seg2ID count geneID seg1Len seg2Len seg1StLoc seg2StLoc txs
SEG0232653 SEG0232653 4 ENSG00000000457 510 510 169822815 169822815 ENST00000367772
SEG0232653 SEG0232655 1 ENSG00000000457 510 1039 169822815 169824007 ENST00000367772
SEG0232655 SEG0232653 2 ENSG00000000457 1039 510 169824007 169822815 ENST00000367772
SEG0232655 SEG0232655 8 ENSG00000000457 1039 1039 169824007 169824007 ENST00000367772,ENST00000367771,ENST00000367770
Note: txs field for segment-pairs counts represent the intersecton of transcripts from both segments.
To visualize segments of a specific gene, run the R script found in R/vizGeneSegments.R
using Rstudio or the following Rscript command:
Rscript R/vizGeneSegments.R <geneID> <segments.fa.meta> <segmentsDir> <output-filename>
Support for visualizing segment counts will be added soon.
After samples are aligned to the segments using command align
, one can process the segments/segment-pairs counts obtained to perform alternative splicing analysis. Yanagi provides a command to calculat PSI values based on segments counts in each of the aligned samples.
This command calculates PSI values of alternative splicing events based on their segment mappings.
To calculate PSI values one has to run the following command in the following format:
python psiCalc -es <events-to=segments-mapping> -s <segments-meta> -i <segment-counts-directory> -o <output-directory> -opf <output-prefix>
List of options available:
-es | --events2segs: This is the path to the file mapping splicing events to segments. This file was prepared from yanagi command
. By passing the optional option-ioe
with the events annotation file as input into thesegment
command, it outputs the mapping into.evs2segs
file under the output directory specified in option-o
. Refer to sectionSegments Generation section
for how to runsegment
command. -
-s | --segs-meta: This is the segments metadata file
obtained from yanagi commandsegment
. Refer to sectionSegments Generation section
for how to runsegment
command. -
-i | ---segCounts-dir: The path to a directory with segments counts (or segment-pairs counts) obtained from yanagi command
. The directory will have a .tsv file per sample. -
-o | --out-dir: The output directory.
-opf | --output-prefix: (Optional) This is a name prefix used to name output files. If not provided, the default output files will use the input counts filenames for each sample.
The PSI calculation operation outputs a .psi file per sample. Each .psi file is of the following format:
eventID incCount exCount PSI incSegs exSegs incTxs exTxs incSegsLen exSegsLen incLen
ENSG00000177697;SE:11:836442-836769:836843-837250:+ 6.150537634408602 0.6363636363636364 0.9061 SEG0009700,SEG0009707 SEG0009701 ENST00000322008,ENST00000397420,ENST00000397421,ENST00000524748,ENST00000526693,ENST00000527341,ENST00000528011,ENST00000530320,ENST00000530726 ENST00000529810 372 198 74
ENSG00000177697;SE:11:833026-834530:834591-836063:+ 0.6874154262516915 0.41695501730103807 0.62188 SEG0009666,SEG0009671,SEG0009673,SEG0009684,SEG0009685,SEG0009686 SEG0009667,SEG0009668,SEG0009678,SEG0009679,SEG0009680 ENST00000322008,ENST00000531999 ENST00000397421,ENST00000526661,ENST00000529810,ENST00000530155 739 578 61
ENSG00000214063;SE:11:842915-847201:847300-850288:+ 0.6484149855907781 0.4393939393939394 0.59552 SEG0010382,SEG0010384,SEG0010395,SEG0010396,SEG0010397 SEG0010383 ENST00000397397 ENST00000397411 694 198 99
After samples are aligned to the segments using command align
, one can process the segments/segment-pairs counts obtained to perform transcript level analysis. Yanagi provides a command to estimate transcript abundances based on segments counts in each of the aligned samples.
This command estimates transcripts abundances in samples based on their segment mappings by running EM procedure. It produces abundances measured in estimated counts and TPMs for each transcript.
To estimate abundance levels one has to run the following command in the following format:
python quant -wd <work-directory> -s <segments-meta> -i <segment-counts-directory> -o <output-directory> -lf <average-fragment-length> -lr <average-read-length>
List of options available:
-wd | --work-dir: This is the work directory where the preprocessed annotation files exist (same output directory used in the preprocess subcommand). This directory must have two files
. -
-s | --segs-meta: This is the segments metadata file
obtained from yanagi commandsegment
. Refer to sectionSegments Generation section
for how to runsegment
command. -
-i | ---segCounts-dir: The path to a directory with segments counts (or segment-pairs counts) obtained from yanagi command
. The directory will have a .tsv file per sample. -
-o | --out-dir: The output directory.
-lf | --len-fr: Average Fragment Length in your RNAseq experiment.
-lr | --len-read: Average Read Length (default: 100).
The abundance estimation operation outputs a .tsv file per sample. Each .tsv file is of the following format:
target_id length eff_length est_counts tpm
ENST00000457540 1044 795.0 38.20605 0.99842
ENST00000414273 1543 1294.0 273.95033 4.39831
ENST00000414487 942 693.0 1026.34816 30.76872
ENST00000413296 527 278.0 0.00000 0.00000
ENST00000367208 355 106.0 79.17673 15.51814
Segments for human transcriptome Ensembl GRCh37:
Segments for fruit fly transcriptome Ensembl BDGP6:
Yanagi is released under the MIT license.