LETSSviz is an online data visualization platform that helps NIC’s open data portals and end users render information in the form of dynamic visualizations tailored to their needs. Because Hawaii’s Open Data portal is only capable of offering information from its varieties of data tables support for certain types of files, such as CSV and SLS, users of the website attempting to gather information are limited to simple data tables and sheets, which prevents them from effectively displaying the information in a meaningful way. LETSSviz offers a solution. Users of LETSSviz are able to seamlessly generate high-quality data visualizations from .csv files in a variety of styles and formats, as well as customize these visualizations and export them into image files and links, allowing users to introduce their information in a clear visual representation.
Access the website by clicking on the URL provided in this repo or use this link: https://letssviz.vercel.app/
Directions to use the website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMD9m3oT1rA