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Statistical Programming To Do List

johnmyleswhite edited this page Jul 1, 2012 · 1 revision

To Do List for Statistical Programming Functionality in Julia

The following is a list of basic objects needed in a statistical programming language.

  • Data Storage Tools
    • Key-Value Stores
    • Tabular Data Stores
      • RDBMS
      • DataFrames
    • Types of access to data:
      • Random Access
      • Sequential Access: Row-by-Row, Column-By-Column, Entry-by-Entry
      • Limited Memory
  • Computation of Real-Valued Statistics
    • Mean
    • Median
    • Mode
    • Variance
    • Standard Deviation
    • Skew
    • Kurtotis
    • k-Th Moments
    • k-th Centered Moments
    • Entropy
    • Quantiles
    • Support
    • PDF/PMF
    • Quantiles
    • CDF
    • Moment-Generating Function
    • Characteristic Function
  • Loss Functions
    • Squared Error
    • Absolute Error
  • Probability Distributions
    • Normal
    • Cauchy
    • Student's t
    • F
  • Hypothesis Tests
    • t-tests
    • Permutation tests
    • Wald tests
    • K/S tests
    • Binomial tests
  • Regression Algorithms
    • OLS
    • LAD
    • Ridge
    • LASSO
    • GAM (Generalized Additive Models)
  • Classification Algorithms
    • Logistic Regression
    • kNN
    • Naive Bayes
  • Dimensionality Reduction Algorithms
    • PCA
    • ICA
    • NMF
  • Visualization Algorithms and Tools
    • MDS
    • Plotting Libraries
  • Clustering Algorithms
    • k-Means
    • dp-Means
  • Text Analysis
    • Bag of Words
    • N-Grams
    • Word Count Tools
    • LDA
  • Social Network Analysis
    • Graph representations
  • Time Series Analysis
    • AR
    • ARCH
    • ARIMA