In this project, we aim at exploring the possibility of supporting the group decision-making process using a virtual assistant, which interacts with the group using a chat-based interface. Group members will be able to discuss and propose items, in order to find a shared solution; the virtual assistant will process these information, infer group members’ preferences, and provide suggestions to the group using baseline aggregation strategies, prompting a ChatGPT with all these information to obtain recommendations and textual explanations to discuss with the group.
The project currently consists of a discord bot that can be used to recommend recipes to a group of people. This is done by first collecting information on tags (identifiers used to describe the recipes) that users like and dislike and then using these tags to recommend a recipe to the users.
The recommendation module can be run by running the file in grsmodel/main_runner/ to make it work you will have to create a .env folder in that folder in which you add:
- DISCORD_TOKEN -> the token of the discord bot
- PROJECT_ID -> the projectid of the google cloud project through which gemini is used
- PROJECT_LOCATION -> the location of the google cloud project through which gemini is used
- OPEN_AI_API_KEY -> the api key of the open ai api this link contains the raw data used for this project. The data from this is then used data_cleanup.ipynb to generate 2 csv files; cleaned_recipes.csv and cleaned_recipes_with_country.csv. These 2 files should be placed in the main_runner directory. When all these steps are done the file can be run.