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Programming Fullstack Challenge 1.2.0 - Guilherme Diniz

Hello, I'm Guilherme Diniz and this is my solution to the fullstack programming challenge for a tech company.

The main concept of the challenge was to develop an application to upload files that describe multiple financial transactions. Those transactions should be stored in a relational database. More details on the challenge can be read in the instructions file.

Table of Content

  1. Overall Solution
  2. How To Run It
  3. Front End Details
  4. Back End Details
  5. Presentation Video

Overall Solution

To solve this challenge, I sketched the following three services solution:

image info

A web interface built with ReactJS (the applications entrypoint) communicates with a Go API via HTTP, which is connected to a Postgres server.

Each of the three services runs in a different container created by the Docker runtime.

How to run it

As the whole solution was built using Docker Compose (a Docker tool to run multi container applications in development environment), it is really simple to run it.
First, is necessary to create a .env file in root directory of this project (the same as this file). This file will contain all the necessary environment variables so that our application can run. There is a .env.example file with the exact format that the .env must have also in this directory.

After the .env is created, the following command will start the three services at once (run in in your terminal in the root directory of this project):

docker compose up -d

After this, the application will be available in the port 80 of your localhost. As this port is the default HTTP port, all it is necessary to access the UI is to type localhost in your browser.

The following command will stop all three services (run in in your terminal in the root directory of this project):

docker compose down

Back End Details

The back end solution is composed by a Golang Web API (to connect the database to other services) and a Postgres server as database.

Golang Web API

The Golang Web API is built using mainly Go's standard library and a free open source third party package called chi. chi offers a lightweight router that integrates easily to Go's http package.

The service's main type is named Api. It holds an instance of the chi multiplexers and an instance of the Models struct.

Postgres Server

The Postgres service is a simple instance of the postgres:alpine image, which is a small Linux distro with all the necessary requirements to run a Postgres server.


I decided that only two tables were sufficient to compose my solution.

The transactions table holds the information of all the transactions uploaded and the clients table holds the information of each seller.

They have the following format:


Name Type Obs
id int PK
type varchar(255) NOT NULL
seller varchar(255) NOT NULL
date timestamp NOT NULL
product varchar(255) NOT NULL
value double NOT NULL


Name Type Obs
id int PK
name varchar(255) UNIQUE
balance double NOT NULL
is_producer bool false


The API has only three routes. They all return a standard JSON object (except for the /ping route, which is for simple tests) with a data object (which can be of different types) and a errorText (a string with an error message, if necessary).

The routes are listed below:

  • /ping:

    • GET: simple test route that returns "Pong" as text.
  • /transactions

    • GET: returns all transactions as an array.
      • No query or path parameters are necessary.
      • data return format: Transaction[].
    • POST: saves a list of transactions and process them, saving the new clients and updating their balances as necessary.
      • It expects a JSON array of Transactions as body.
      • data return format: Transaction[].
  • /balances

    • GET: returns all balances as an array.
      • No query or path parameters are necessary.
        • data return format: Clients[].

Front End Details

The front end service is a HTML application built with ReactJS. My original idea were to serve the built files in a Nginx server, but I decided that is was not necessary (it is possible to run it as an Nginx server though, but it is necessary to remove the target: dev line from the compose file). The front end is served then using the React development server.

Is has only 4 screens.

The Menu is only used to navigate to the others screens, the Upload is used to choose the input file with new transactions and upload it, the Transactions shows all the transactions saved until that moment and the Balances shows all the clients balances from the saved transactions.

Presentation Video

Click here to watch it!


Full stack challenge for a tech company.






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