- Ganache
- Truffle
- Metamask
- Run Ganache
- Copy hostname and port number from Ganache (RPC SERVER) to NethereumChain appsettings.json to Blockchain section
- Run powershell in NethereumChain/eth directory
- Run command "truffle compile"
- Run command "truffle deploy --reset --network ganache"
- In console output find and copy deployed contract address: e.g. "SupplyChain: 0x6ac0f5f416ecb32cd14db9df5f0ca11f41b5c625" where 0x6ac0f5f416ecb32cd14db9df5f0ca11f41b5c625 is the address.
- Paste contract address in appsettings.json "SupplyChain": "0x6ac0f5f416ecb32cd14db9df5f0ca11f41b5c625"
- Set infura network address and API Key in appsettings.json "Infura" section.
- Deploy contract to this network. You can use Remix and Metamask.
- Set deployed contract address in appsettings.json "SupplyChain" section.
- Run application.
- You need an account with some ether on test network to perform POST action.
- POST is submitting transaction, you have to wait for it to be processed. API method returns transaction address, so you can check it.
- Suggested gas amount is at least 400000, value 0.