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Cypress framework with pre-configured plugins



Execute following lines in your console:

npm install

Environment files

In this project, we use environment configuration files to manage settings that may vary between different environments (like dev, stage, prod). These files are located at cypress/environments/ and contain placeholders for keys, credentials, and other environment-specific values.

Each environment file is a JSON file with a structure like this:

  "baseUrl": "",
  "env": {
    "api_key": "${api-key}",
    "user1": {
      "username": "sampleUserName",
      "password": "${dev-user1-password}"

The placeholders are formatted as ${environment-key} and need to be replaced with actual values before running the tests. For example, you might replace ${prod-api-key} with the actual API key for your application for the prod environment.

How to create a new environment file?

To create an environment configuration for a specific environment, make a copy of the corresponding .example.env.json file, change name and remove the dot from the filename. For example, copy .example.env.json to dev.env.json.

Where to find the actual values?

The actual values for sensitive data placeholders should be securely stored in a secret management system, such as a Secret Server, AWS Secrets Manager, or Azure Key Vault. The exact location of these values will depend on your specific project and infrastructure setup. Please refer to your project's documentation or consult with your team to find out where these values are stored.

Please note: Never hard-code sensitive information, such as passwords or API keys, directly into your code or commit them to your version control system. Always use secure methods for storing and accessing sensitive data.

How to replace the placeholders?

Once you have the actual values, simply replace each placeholder in the JSON files with its corresponding value. Make sure to keep the double quotes " around the values to ensure the JSON syntax is correct.

For example, if the actual API key for the development environment is 123456, you would replace {api-key} with 123456 in the dev.env.json file:

  "baseUrl": "",
  "env": {
    "api_key": "123456",
    "user1": {
      "username": "sampleUserName",
      "password": "${dev-user1-password}"

Please note: Do not commit these updated files to the repository to avoid exposing sensitive data. Consider adding the environment configuration files to your .gitignore file to prevent them from being accidentally committed.

Scripts to run tests

Once you've created your new environment file, you can add scripts to your package.json file to run tests with this specific environment configuration. These scripts should use the --env option to specify the environmentName that corresponds to your new environment file.

Here's an example of how you can add scripts to run functional tests in the dev environment:

  "scripts": {
    "cy:run:functional:dev": "cypress run --spec 'cypress/e2e/functional/**/*' --env environmentName=dev",
    "cy:open:dev": "cypress open --env environmentName=dev"

In the cy:run:functional:dev script, we use the --spec option to specify which tests to run. In this case, it's all tests inside the cypress/e2e/functional/ directory.

The --env option is used to specify that we want to use the dev.env.json file for the environment configuration.

The cy:open:dev script opens the Cypress GUI with the dev environment configuration. No path is specified here, you will pick tests to open manually.

You can choose between the open or run commands depending on whether you want to use the Cypress GUI or run the tests in the command line, respectively.


Cypress GUI Runner

Run it locally on your system with Cypress GUI runner. Note that runner will use browsers installed on your OS.

Example for prod:

npm run cy:open:prod

Run tests headlessly

Run it locally and headlessly on Chrome:

npm run cy:run:prod

Different types of tests

It's worth to group test types in separate scripts:

npm run cy:run:accessibility:prod
npm run cy:run:analytics:prod
npm run cy:run:api:prod
npm run cy:run:lighthouse:prod
npm run cy:run:functional:prod
npm run cy:run:visual:prod


Main config - documentation

General configuration is set in cypress.config.js file.

Overwriting config values - documentation

You can overwrite specific configuration parameters by passing them via the command line interface (CLI). This allows you to change settings for a single test run without modifying the configuration files.

In addition, you can use a specific environment configuration file to overwrite settings for different environments (see the Environment Files section for more details). This is useful for managing settings that vary between development, staging, and production environments.

ESLint - documentation

Linter used for static code analysis. You can change default configuration in .eslintrc file.

Prettier is fired automatically before each commit (check Lint-staged and Husky sections).

If you want to run it manually, type (in cypress main directory):

npm run cy:eslint

Husky is a tool that makes Git hooks easy to manage and use. It allows us to run scripts at different stages of the Git workflow.

In this project, we use Husky to trigger lint-staged actions before each commit, ensuring that all staged files are linted and formatted correctly before they are committed.

Husky's configuration is located in the .husky directory, where each file represents a specific Git hook. For example, the pre-commit file is a script that Husky will run before each commit.

This script will run lint-staged before each commit. If lint-staged passes, the commit will be made; if not, the commit will be aborted.

We are using it to call Lint-staged actions before each commit.

Lint-staged - documentation

This tool runs a set of predefined actions only on files that have been changed and staged in Git before a commit. This ensures that only the changes you've made and are about to commit are checked and processed by the linters and formatters, helping to keep the codebase clean and consistent.

In this project, we use lint-staged to run ESLint and Prettier on our staged files. The configuration is located in the package.json file:

"lint-staged": {
  "**/*.{js,ts}": [
    "prettier --write",
    "eslint --fix --debug"

This configuration tells lint-staged to run Prettier and ESLint on any staged JavaScript or TypeScript files. Prettier will format the code, and ESLint will fix any issues it can and print debug information for any issues it can't automatically fix.

Prettier - documentation

Code formatter tool. You can change default configuration in .prettierrc file.

Prettier is fired automatically before each commit (check Lint-staged and Husky sections).

If you want to run it manually, type code mentioned below (in cypress main directory):

npm run cy:prettier

TypeScript - documentation

This project utilizes TypeScript, which adds static typing to JavaScript and helps in maintaining clean and understandable code.

The TypeScript configuration is located in the tsconfig.json file. This file includes TypeScript compiler options and specifies which files should be included in the compilation process.

For more information about TypeScript in Cypress, see Cypress & TypeScript.


Accessibility tests

We are using cypress-axe for accessibility testing.

We recommend putting your config in the cypress/axe.ts file.

The reporter configuration can be found in the cypress/axe-reporter.ts file.

Sample config file:

const AXE_CONFIG = {
  runOnly: {
    type: 'tag',
    values: ['wcag2a', 'wcag2aa', 'wcag21a', 'wcag21aa', 'wcag22aa', 'section508'],
  rules: {
    'color-contrast': { enabled: false } // this rule will be ignored

export default AXE_CONFIG;

Sample usage:

  • Using settings from the config file
//import config files
import AXE_CONFIG from "../../../axe";
import terminalLog from "../../../axe-reporter";
    cy.checkA11y(null, AXE_CONFIG, terminalLog);
  • Manually setting the config
//import config file
import terminalLog from "../../../axe-reporter";
    runOnly: {
      type: 'tag',
      values: ['wcag2aa']
    rules: {
      'color-contrast': { enabled: false } // this rule will be ignored

The report will be created under build/axe/axe-report.json

For more details, refer to the following resources:


We can open pages with some predefined cookies. First define cookie in data/cookies.ts Sample cookies.ts file:

export const COOKIE_CONSENT: Cypress.Cookie = {
    name: 'OptanonAlertBoxClosed',
    value: '2023-03-27T15:33:07.230Z',
    path: '/',
    domain: '',
    httpOnly: false,
    secure: false,

Test usage:

import { COOKIE_CONSENT } from '../../data/cookies';

Cypress-Real-Events documentation

Fires a real native events.


cy.get('button').realHover({ position: 'bottomLeft' }); // hovers over the bottom left corner of button

Filtering out console errors

To filter out specific console error, just paste code below into support/e2e.ts file.

err => !(err.message.includes('Sample error text') || err.message.includes('Another error text')),


We are using cypress-iframe plugin.

Sample usage:

    cy.enter('#iFrameID').then(getBody => {

Passwords (Environment variables)

In this project, we use environment variables to manage sensitive data, such as usernames, passwords, and API keys. These values are stored in the environment configuration files (see the Environment files section for more details) and can be accessed via Cypress.env().

Here's how you can log the username and password for the admin user, as well as the api-key, to the console:


In these examples, Cypress.env('admin') returns the admin object from the environment configuration. The .username and .password access the username and password properties of this object.

Cypress.env('api-key') returns the value of the api-key from the environment configuration.


We can store all needed paths to pages that we will use during our tests in data/paths.ts file.

export const PAGES = {
  HOMEPAGE: '/',
  ABOUT: '/about-us',

Then use it in our test-spec file e.g.

import { PAGES } from '../../data/paths';


We can store all selectors used in our tests in data/selectors.ts file.

export const COOKIE_BANNER = {
  ACCEPT_ALL_COOKIES_BUTTON: '#onetrust-accept-btn-handler',
  COOKIE_BANNER: '#onetrust-banner-sdk',

export const NAVIGATION = {
  WT_LOGO: '.wt-logo',

Then use it in our test-spec file e.g.

//import only sections that you will use in specific test-spec
import { COOKIE_BANNER, NAVIGATION } from '../../data/selectors';

Visual tests

For visual comparison, we are using percy.

We are using .percy.json file as our global config.

To authenticate project with Percy, you need to provide Percy token. You have to log in to, project token you can find in Project settings. Open your terminal and navigate to your project's directory. Use the following command to set the PERCY_TOKEN environment variable with Percy token:

$Env:PERCY_TOKEN = "token"

MacOS, Linux (also Windows Bash console):
export PERCY_TOKEN=token

Dealing with lazy loading:

        duration: 1000

Ignoring some elements:

cy.percySnapshot("Region ignoring", {
      percyCSS: "iframe {display: none; }"

Replacing dynamic text (e.g. search result titles):

cy.get('#elementID').each((title) =>{
    cy.wrap(title).invoke('text', 'Lorem ipsum');

Replacing images:

cy.get('#elementID').each((image) => {
    cy.wrap(image).invoke('attr', 'src', '');

Report can be found at percy projects page.

Please note that Percy only captures screenshots when run in command line mode. It does not capture screenshots in GUI mode.

More details here:

Knowledge Base

Chai assertions


Cypress framework with pre-configured plugins






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