much of the code for this came from the orignal over at:
I updated it with a new variable and changed many of the system call backs to work independantly instead of being a part of the
overall menu system used by the RetroPie team. It also makes use of the lm-sensors application since the normal sensors built into a raspberry pi do not exist for the CPU temp calls. In an effort to make the temp display as encoding friendly as possible all unicode special characters are stripped from the output and later added during display so calculation should still happen in bash for average temp.
# Pre-Requisites
sudo apt install lm-sensors
sudo sensors-detect --auto
# If using Debian you will also need bc
sudo apt install bc
# Main Script
git clone --depth=1
cd atomicpibashwelcome
chmod +x
# Check installation
cd ~/
. .bashrc
This will install the tweak for the user running it and contains much of the same useful information as the RetroPie tweak with an updated AtomicPi logo in ascii art.