Easiest to use and most versatile data processing and data view application.
1.) Install NodeJS
to get the npm package manager
2.) Install Yarn
npm install --global yarn
Check the installation on Windows via
yarn --version
3.) Get GIT and clone the repository
Open a bash command line window.
Goto to the cloned repository:
1.) Type:
2.) Type:
Yarn tauri
Yarn tauri dev
rustc is version
rustc 1.83.0 (90b35a623 2024-11-26)
yarn is version
Please follow the function name, description and example strictly, no spaces for ELSE{} and upper case always
Function MIN, finds min number from selected numbers or single number, MIN(1,2) , MIN(EVAL("test some {NUMBER}"),177)
MAX, finds max number from selected numbers or single number, MAX(1,2) , MAX(EVAL("test some {NUMBER}"),177)
TYPE, returns type of data, TYPE(MAX(1,2)) , TYPE("hello")
LEN, works on TEXT finding patterns as well as text, LEN(EVAL("name: {TEXT}")) LEN("5char")
COUNT, gives the count of element found, COUNT(EVAL("name {TEXT}"))
CONCAT, concat strings takes eval or string, CONCAT(EVAL("my {TEXT}"),"OTHER") CONCAT("ONE","TWO")
MUL(EVAL_TABLE("A1:B1", "NUMBER")) (Multiplies over all given elments)
SUM("1", EVAL("First heading {NUMBER}")) (Sums over all given elements)
TRIM, trims text, TRIM("HELLO ")
EVAL("Search text {NUMBER/DATE/TEXT}") Collects all elements starting with the search text followed by a Number/DATE/TEXT
EVAL_TABLE("Tablename" (optional), "A1:A3", "NUMBER") Collects all elements inside a table with table name "Tablename" as an optional parameter (IF not given the current table is selected), "A1:A3" - Cells and the type of the evaluation "NUMBER", which can be NUMBER, DATE, or TEXT
ROUND, rounds the values for numbers, ROUND(15.2) MIN(EVAL("test some {NUMBER}"))
AVERAGE, average the list of numbers, AVERAGE(EVAL("test some {NUMBER}"),177)
IF, compare both side and evaluate the output, IF( SUM(EVAL("hello test some {NUMBER}"))>=15){SUM(1)}ELSE{SUM(MUL(SUMIF(EVAL("hello test some {NUMBER}")=15),2)1)}
SUMIF, sum all the values which are true based on condition, SUMIF(EVAL("test some {NUMBER}" > 15))
COUNTIF, Similar as sumif but count true statements, COUNTIF(EVAL("test some {NUMBER}" > 15))
ERRORIF, error if founds error run the first condition, ERRORIF(EVAL("a")){SUM(12 ,2)}ELSE{SUM(15)}