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TCSS 491 Computational Worlds project

Published on Github io. Play Here

Controls and Basic Instructions

There are two different control layouts. 
**Press Numpad 9** for layout A
**Press P** for layout B.
Control layout can be changed at any time during the game.

Both layouts share the following controls:
A - Move left
D - Move right
W - Energize
Space - Jump

The unique layout keys are as follows:
For **layout A** (Numpad 9)
    Numpad 1 = dash,
    Numpad 4 = shoot,
    Numpad 5 = slash,
    Numpad 6 = cleave,
For **layout B** (P)
    J = shoot,
    K = slash,
    L = cleave,
    M = dash,


**Press T** for the intended difficulty. This will increase enemy damage and increase your score accumulation.
**Press Y** for an easier difficulty. This will decrease enemy damage and decrease score accumulation.
Pressing these buttons will reset your score to 0, so use them at the beginning of the game.
Note that the easier difficulty is enabled by default. Don't forget to try it on hard!

How To Play

The Hero, aka Pencil Knight, has two resources. Energy and Health. Bars for these resources can be seen in the top left of the screen.
**Energy** lets Pencil Knight perform special and enhanced actions.
    Hold W to "energize" PK.
    W + shoot,  10 energy: Stronger and faster shot.
    W + slash,  25 energy: A super powerful sword projectile. It's expensive, but it may save your life.
	W + cleave, 15 energy: Will reflect enemy projectiles if timed properly. Beware that an energized cleave does not do damage as normal.
	Dash Button, 7 energy: See 'Dash' section.
	NOTE: If you don't have enough energy and try to use a skill, you will hear a sound to let you know!

    Dash is a great tool for moving around the map and avoiding damage. 
	Dash also has a window of invulnerability. Use it to get around pesky enemies or incoming projectiles.
    Dash will always cost energy to use. (You didn't think we'd give you a tool like this without a cost, did you?)
    A grounded dash can be interrupted by using a slash attack. Use this to your advantage! All other actions are disabled during a dash.
    Like all great heros, Pencil Knight can jump! But can he jump twice? Probably!
	The reflect ability can be used on the Soldier's bullet, the Dino's energy ball, and the Zombomber's bomb.
	A reflected energy ball will increase your energy regeneration rate for a short time and give you points. 
		(This is a net cost of 5 energy to remove the energy ball from play)
	A reflected bomb will damage other enemies. Try experimenting with when you reflect it. Not all bomb reflections are created equal!
		Can you manage to shoot your reflected bomb in mid-air?
	A reflected bullet will act just like the hero's energized shot. Turn it against the soldier for a flashy kill!
    Items currently restore your respective resources. Perhaps if you keep coming back to play, you'll find that they do something a bit more interesting.
	Each enemy you kill will give you points. The more enemies you kill in a row, the higher your score multiplier gets.
	Having a high multiplier will increase the rate of energy regeneration.


    We recommend playing the game and learning through experience, but here are some helpful hints if you're having trouble:
        The Soldier can't be damaged from the front if he's holding up his shield. You'll have to get behind him to hit his back, 
		or hit him during the startup or cooldown of one of his attacks.
        The Dinosaur's energy ball will track you until it fizzles out, is reflected, or hits some terrain. 
		Rather than damaging your health, it will damage your energy and prevent it from regenerating for a time.
		You can knock the energy ball away with a slash, absorb and destroy it with your reflect ability, or destroy it with an energized shot.
        Alone, the Crows are not too scary. Crows are never alone.
		Crows have a chance of dropping a small amount of health and energy on death.
        The Zombomber will throw damaging Bombs toward Pencil Knight. These bombs will not hurt you on contact, but if you're too close when the fuse is up, you'll regret it. 
		Try shooting the bombs out of the air! A Zombomber can't be killed with plasma. You'll need to give it an up-close and personal look at your sword,
		or give it a taste of its own bomb-throwing medicine, if you want to send it back from whence it came.
    **Environmental Hazards**
        If it looks like it will hurt you, you probably shouldn't touch it! This goes extra for lava. 
		You didn't know it, but your time spent playing "the floor is lava" as a kid was preparing you for just this moment.

Dev Tools, which we generously offer to you.

**Press R** to toggle through the different checkpoints of the game.
**Press G** to toggle godMode. (Lava will still kill you though, because even Gods fear lava).

Published on Github io


TCSS 491 Computational Worlds project







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